Bill Murray Opens Up About the Effects of Fame in Newly Revealed 1988 Interview

2 minute read

Even in the ’80s, Bill Murray had reaped the benefits of fame. In an uncovered interview with the star, published by PBS’s Blank on Blank series, he admits to receiving special privileges as a result of his status.

“I’ve gotten out of a couple of speeding tickets,” Murray told Irish America magazine writer T.J. English in 1988. “I’ve gotten into a restaurant when I didn’t have a suit and tie on, that’s really about it.”

One other big perk: the ladies.

“You can talk to girls more easily,” Murray said of his fame. “They will talk to you. You don’t necessarily do better, but they will talk to you.”

The Rock The Kasbah actor admits celebrity did have its downsides. “On Ghostbusters, they had somebody following us to control us,” Murray told English. “To make sure we didn’t do anything too weird.”

Still, Murray felt thankful for where his career had taken him. “I know I could’ve been anybody,” he acknowledges. “I’m still just a punk guy really.”

Hear Blank on Blank’s interview highlights above, and check out the full clip below.

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