• Politics

Clinton Prepares for Benghazi Showdown With Republicans

4 minute read

Hillary Clinton won’t be the only one in the hot seat on Thursday.

The former Secretary of State will appear before the House Select Committee on Benghazi for the first—and likely the last—time to answer questions about the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. Meanwhile, the committee chair, South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy, will face questions from Democrats about why the committee has spent nearly $5 million but this is the first hearing it has held. Gowdy has been accused of politicizing the process after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy basically admitted as much in a Sept. 29 Fox News interview.

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?” McCarthy told Sean Hannity. “But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

In recent weeks, the hearing has become almost as much of a potential liability for Gowdy as it is Clinton. A front-page New York Times story asked why none of the other 11 planned hearings have happened and why Gowdy only personally attended 10 of the 53 interviews—only the ones relating to Clinton’s staff. New York Republican Rep. Richard Hanna said the committee was rigged to go after Clinton, a view echoed by a former committee staffer last week who claimed he was fired for questioning the Republicans’ relentless focus on the Democratic presidential frontrunner.

Thursday’s anticipated eight-hour circus (Gowdy wants four rounds of questioning at an expected 120 minutes apiece) will be the closest thing America will get to a Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton debate. In this scenario, House Republican members led by Gowdy will play the role of Trump—after all Gowdy was the Freedom Caucus’ first choice to replace outgoing House Speaker John Boehner.

Read More: Most See GOP Benghazi Probe as Vehicle to Hurt Clinton

Gowdy in recent days intimated that he has asked his members to rein themselves in and address only the topic at hand, Benghazi. Word is he’ll focus less on the response to the attack than what Clinton might have known about Stevens’ repeated requests for more security. Gowdy claims to have new e-mails that speak to this issue. Clinton has repeatedly denied being aware of the requests, which would have been routed through State’s Bureau of Overseas Operations, not the Secretary’s office. And in the past, Clinton has blamed Republican budget cuts for the chronic underfunding of embassy security.

Republicans will surely also ask Clinton about her use of a private e-mail server and the Administration’s initial dismissal of the 2012 attack as part of anti-American protests rather than a terrorist attack. But, if past is prologue, the hearing will likely devolve into an exercise of gotcha. The last time Clinton testified at a Benghazi hearing it lasted six hours; less than half was spent on Benghazi, with members quickly growing bored of the topic and turning to other political hot button issues.

In that hearing, Democrats used their time to largely fawn over not-yet-presidential candidate Clinton, asking her about her impending grand-motherhood and flattering her tenure at Secretary of State. This time around, Democrats, led by Maryland’s Elijah Cummings, have another mandate: embarrass Gowdy and reveal the committee for the sham they say it is.

The ultimate goal for both sides will be to make political hay, and put a dent in either Clinton’s or Gowdy’s sheen—or both. Yes, Americans died in Benghazi. But the more than $20 million spent—State has spent more than $14 million responding to Benghazi requests and Gowdy’s committee along has spent $4.7 million, never mind the seven other congressional investigations—in investigating that fact has less to do with their deaths than the political reality that gotcha points make for great television and we’re in the midst of a presidential campaign.

Read Next: Republican Leader Says Benghazi Committee Hurt Clinton

See Hillary Clinton's Evolution in 20 Photos

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Teenager: Hillary Rodham poses in her 1965 senior class portrait from Park Ridge East High School in Illinois. AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Law School Student: Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham pose for a snapshot at Yale Law School in 1972. They married in 1975.Clinton Presidential Library
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Mother: Clinton poses with her husband, Bill, then in his first term as governor, with their week-old daughter, Chelsea, on March 5, 1980.Donald R. Broyles—AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Campaign Companion: Clinton celebrates her husband's victory in a Democratic runoff in Little Rock, Ark. on June 8, 1982.AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Arkansas First Lady: Clinton is seen in her inaugural ball gown in 1985. A. Lynn—AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Political Wife: Clinton celebrates her husband's inauguration in Little Rock on Sept. 20, 1991.Danny Johnston—AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Dignitary: Clinton receives an honorary law degree from Hendrix College in Conway, Ark., on May 30, 1992.Chris Ocken—AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Campaigner: Clinton speaks at a meeting during the presidential campaign for her husband in Buffalo, N.Y., on April 4, 1992.Bill Sikes—AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
First Lady: Clinton appears at the MTV Inauguration Ball at the Washington Convention Center on Jan. 20, 1993. Shayna Brennan—AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Second-Term First Lady: Clinton attends the Inaugural Ball after her husband was sworn in to a second term on Jan. 20, 1997. Brooks Kraft—Corbis
Hillary Rodham Clinton
New York Senator: Clinton speaks at a press conference with female Democratic senators in Washington on June 21, 2006. Brooks Kraft—Corbis
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Committee Member: Clinton listens to the testimony of Lt. General David Petraeus to the Senate Armed Forces Committee at a hearing on Capital Hill in Washington on Jan. 23, 2007. Brooks Kraft—Corbis
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Candidate: Clinton holds a a campaign event in Portsmouth, N.H., while running for the Democratic presidential nomination on Sept. 2, 2007. Brooks Kraft—Corbis
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Campaigner: Clinton speaks at a campaign stop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Jan. 2, 2008. Brooks Kraft—Corbis
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State: Clinton kisses President Obama at a joint session of Congress in Washington on Feb. 24, 2009. Brooks Kraft—Corbis
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Witness: Clinton joins Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Dec. 3, 2009. Brooks Kraft—Corbis
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Witness: Clinton testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Jan. 23, 2013.J. Scott Applewhite—AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Author: Clinton attends a signing memoir, "Hard Choices," at a Costco in Arlington, Va., on June 14, 2014. Brooks Kraft—Corbis
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Grandmother: Clinton holds her granddaughter Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City on Sept. 27, 2014.Office of President Clinton/AP
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Once and Future Candidate: Clinton speaks at Iowa Senator Tom Harkin's annual Steak Fry in Indianola, Iowa, on Sept. 14, 2014. Brooks Kraft—Corbis

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