Behind TIME’s Cover Shoot with Donald Trump and an American Bald Eagle

3 minute read

When Martin Schoeller scrolled through the 28 close-up portraits he had taken of Donald Trump, he was struck to see that they were all identical. “Every frame was the same,” Schoeller says. “Mr. Trump knows exactly how he looks, and he strikes one pose and doesn’t move.”

It wasn’t the first time that Schoeller, an award-winning portrait photographer and frequent TIME contributor, had worked with Trump. They first met in 2004 for a Fortune cover article, so he knew what to expect when he was asked to photograph the frontrunner in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries for this week’s magazine cover.

“He’s very difficult to photograph,” says Schoeller. “If you ask him to look up a little bit, he says no or he just doesn’t do it. He literally has one angle. If I ask him to smile, he puts on a big grin and then he goes back to his Zoolander ‘blue steel’ look. And the ‘blue steel’ stays for as ever long as it takes to get the photograph.”

This time, however, Schoeller wanted to try something different. “When I get an assignment, I do my research and try to figure out what kind of picture would make the most sense given who the person is and what they’ve been up to,” he says. And with Trump running for president with the slogan “Make America Great Again”, Schoeller thought about adding a bald eagle – the U.S.’s national emblem – to the photo. “Mr. Trump liked that idea,” says the photographer. “I thought he might be open to it considering he’s a man who loves attention. He likes controversy, and he likes to be in the spotlight.”

The 27-year-old American bald eagle, named Uncle Sam, was flown in from Texas by master falconer and wildlife rehabilitator Jonathan Wood – and brought to the 25th floor of the Trump Tower in mid-town Manhattan. “It’s hard to plan what animals will do,” says Schoeller. “There’s not much training you can do with a wild bird and Mr. Trump was a little hesitant holding the bird, so it was very tricky to get the bird to [stay] on his hand.”

Wood, the bald eagle’s owner, felt the shoot went well – and he would know. For the past 20 years, after Uncle Sam was hit by a car in 1994 and was deemed “non-releasable” to the wild, Wood has been crisscrossing the country with it. “I’ve done a lot of educational programs in schools with that bird,” he says. “He’s been in movies, television shows and commercials. Millions of people have seen him.”

For Wood, it made sense to pair Trump with Uncle Sam. “Donald Trump is an icon, and this bald eagle is an icon.”

Behind TIME's Cover with Donald Trump and an American Bald Eagle

Donald Trump Time Magazine Cover
Photographed for TIME on August 18, 2015 in New York City.Photograph by Martin Schoeller
The Republican front runner in his corner office on the 25th floor of Trump Tower in New York City, photographed with a bald eagle named Uncle Sam.Martin Schoeller for TIME
Donald Trump Time Magazine Bald Eagle
Presidential candidate Donald Trump in his office in Trump Tower in New York City holding an American Bald Eagle named Uncle Sam on Aug. 19, 2015.Martin Schoeller for TIME
Uncle Sam, an American bald eagle, waits in Donald Trump's office in New York City.Paul Moakley for TIME
Donald Trump poses with Uncle Sam, an American bald eagle, in his office in New York City.Paul Moakley for TIME
Trainer Jonathan Wood positions Uncle Sam, an American bald eagle, on Donald Trump's desk.Paul Moakley for TIME
Photographer Martin Schoeller talks with Donald Trump in his office in New York City.Paul Moakley for TIME
Photographer Martin Schoeller photographs Donald Trump in his corner office on the 25th floor of Trump Tower in New York City, with a bald eagle named Uncle Sam.Paul Moakley for TIME
Donald Trump's campaign communications manager Hope Hicks holds Uncle Sam, an American bald eagle.Paul Moakley for TIME

Read TIME’s interview with Donald Trump

Martin Schoeller is an award-winning portrait photographer based in New York City.

Olivier Laurent is the editor of TIME LightBox. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @olivierclaurent

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