Watch the Trailer for Aziz Ansari’s New Book Modern Romance

1 minute read

For reasons that continue to defy understanding, book trailers have become a thing in recent years. But here’s one for Modern Romance that actually makes sense, because Aziz Ansari, who co-authored the book with sociologist Eric Klinenberg, is an actor and comedian who has appeared in real trailers for other entertainment items in the past.

The amusing video shows a series of extremely eligible bachelors—possibly from the 1980s—talking about their desire to find love and companionship. And yes, Monroe, even though this video is roughly as pixelated as candids of the Loch Ness Monster, we did notice that you have incredibly blue eyes.

After a minute of being tortured with clips of men who have assuredly found their perfect mates by now, Ansari pops on screen to explain why his book is different from many other romance self-help tomes (Spoiler: He and Klinenberg used “data” and “science”). A graphic also lists Ansari’s interests as “pizza, having fun and talking” in case you were wondering whether he was a human.

Modern Romance hits shelves on June 16. Read an excerpt in which Ansari explains why everything you thought you knew about love is wrong here.

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