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Americans Stranded in Nepal Mountains for 5 Days Tell Their Story of Survival

8 minute read

Sitting in the library of the U.S. embassy in Kathmandu, Corey Ascolani, 34, signs on to his Facebook page for the first time in a week. In the top right corner of the page, the notification’s icon is flagged bright red — the result of family members and friends pleading for information.

Beside him, eyes affixed to their own monitors, are Eric Jean, 32, and Della Hoffman, 31, from Colorado. On April 25, these three Americans, along with 50 others, were stranded in Langtang district, a popular trekking region in central Nepal, when the 7.9-magnitude earthquake, and subsequent landslides, destroyed the region’s celebrated trails. Stranded for more than six days, the trio was rescued Thursday when U.S. Special Forces choppered them, and 27 others, to safety.

The serrated snow-capped peaks of Langtang have lured intrepid travelers for generations. Last Saturday, with mild temperatures and clear skies, this trekking haven ensnared Eric and Della. They set out at around 9 a.m. from Syabru Besi, a small town in central Nepal where buses drop off their pack-laden passengers. It was their fifth day in the landlocked country, and their final stop on a yearlong round-the-world trip. They planned to return home on June 2.

Cory had also arrived earlier in April, traveling to Nepal for the pristine hiking and the promise of meditation. Around 9:30 a.m., he set off from Syabru Besi at a brisk pace, as the low-lying clouds were melted by the rising sun.

By noon, Corey, Eric and Della found themselves at one of the iconic teahouses, painted turquoise and white, in the village of Bamboo. Cascading down steppes in the alpine valley, the village is framed between mountain and the Langtang River. Finding seats at one of the five tables on the sun-drenched terrace, Eric and Della ordered tea and chapati (South Asia unleavened bread) and were settling down to rest.

They heard the earthquake first.

Hundreds of meters overhead, the violent quaking had loosed a far more immediate threat. Moments after the Nepali villagers burst from exits of the teahouse, Eric and Della watched as a thunderous shower of rock coursed down the side of the mountain. “The rocks sounded like cannon fire,” Eric said.

Witness the Aftermath of Nepal's Devastating Earthquake

A Nepali boy stands amidst earthquake damage in the ancient city of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley on April. 28, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A Nepalese boy stands amid earthquake damage in the ancient city of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley, April 28, 2015, three days after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake had hit the country. Adam Ferguson for TIME
A Nepali man carries recovered belongings through the street in the ancient city of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley on April. 28, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A Nepalese man carries recovered belongings through the streets of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley, April. 28, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
People atop damaged buildings in Durbar Square, Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 26, 2015. The historic Durbar Square, a UNESCO world heritage site, was severely damaged in an earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
People stand on top of a damaged building in Durbar Square in Kathmandu, April 26, 2015. The historic Durbar Square, a UNESCO world heritage site, was severely damaged in the earthquake.Adam Ferguson for TIME
Hindu Nepali women mourn the loss of four family members who were killed in the earthquake on April 25th, at the site of funeral pyres on the river Kathmandu on April. 28, 2015. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A group of Hindu Nepalese women mourn the loss of four family members who were killed in the earthquake at the site of funeral pyres on the river of Kathmandu, April 28, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
A crowd watches Indian forces excavating collapsed apartments looking for bodies and survivors of Saturdays Earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 27, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A crowd watches Indian forces excavating collapsed apartments, looking for bodies and survivors in Kathmandu, April 27, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Nepali forces excavate the Dharahara tower in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 26, 2015. This as well as historic Durbar Square, both UNESCO world heritage sites, were severely damaged in an earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Nepalese forces excavate the Dharahara tower in Kathmandu, April 26, 2015. The building, a UNESCO world heritage site, was severely damaged in the earthquake. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Nepali people flee buildings during an aftershock in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 27, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Nepalese people flee buildings during an aftershock in Kathmandu, April 27, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Indian and Nepali forces attempt to identify a body after it was recovered from a collapsed restaurant in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 27, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Indian and Nepalese forces attempt to identify a body after it was recovered from a collapsed restaurant in Kathmandu, April 27, 2015.Adam Ferguson for TIME
A Hindu Nepali man tends to a funeral pyre built for a person killed in the earthquake in Nepal, on the river in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 27, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A Hindu Nepalese man tends to a funeral pyre built for a person killed in the earthquake, on the river in Kathmandu, April 27, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Nepali forces excavate the Dharahara tower in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 26, 2015. This as well as historic Durbar Square, both UNESCO world heritage sites, were severely damaged in an earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Nepalese forces excavate the Dharahara tower in Kathmandu, April. 26, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Nepali forces clear fallen bamboo from ruins in Durbar Square, Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 26, 2015. The historic Durbar Square, a UNESCO world heritage site, was severely damaged in an earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Nepalese forces clear fallen bamboo from ruins in Durbar Square, Kathmandu, April 26, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Nepali children walk through the street in the ancient city of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley on April. 28, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Nepalese children walk through the street in the ancient city of Bhaktapur, in the Kathmandu Valley, April 28, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Workers repair power lines in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 28, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Workers repair power lines in Kathmandu, April 28, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Indian and Nepali forces excavate a body from collapsed apartments in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 27, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Indian and Nepalese forces excavate a body from collapsed apartments in Kathmandu, April 27, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Nepalis retrieve belongings from earthquake damaged homes in the ancient city of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley on April 29, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
Nepalese people retrieve belongings from damaged homes in Bhaktapur, Kathmandu Valley, April 29, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
Nepalese women mourn relatives lost in the earthquake in Bhaktapur, in the Kathmandu Valley, April 29, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
People walk through the damaged streets in the ancient city of Bhaktapur, Kathmandu Valley, April 29, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
A displaced Nepali family take shelter in a tent in a park in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 27, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A displaced Nepalese family takes shelter in a tent in a Kathmandu park, April 27, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
A mother looks at her son who was injured in the April 25th earthquake, at the Nepal and India Trauma Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 29, 2015. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A mother looks at her son who was injured in the earthquake, at the Nepal and India Trauma Center in Kathmandu, April 29, 2015.Adam Ferguson for TIME
Earthquake, Kathmandu, Nepal
Emergency rescue workers clear debris and search for survivors in Katmandu, April 27, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
A body recovered from a collapsed restaurant in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 27, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A body recovered from a collapsed restaurant in Kathmandu, April 27, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
A Nepali man tends to a funeral pyre built for a person killed in the earthquake in Nepal, on the river in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 28, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A Nepalese man tends to a funeral pyre built for a person killed in the earthquake, on the river in Kathmandu, April 28, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME
A funeral pyre built for a person killed in the earthquake in Nepal, on the river in Kathmandu, Nepal on April. 27, 2015. Nepal had a severe earthquake on April 25th. Photo by Adam Ferguson for Time
A funeral pyre built for a person killed in the earthquake, on the river in Kathmandu, April 27, 2015. Adam Ferguson for TIME

One of the largest boulders, untold feet in diameter, tore through the teahouse less than 200 m from the couple’s table. Compelled by fear alone, Della climbed to her feet and rushed to end of the terrace nearest the river. There, she knelt down in a brace position, her back to the mountain. Eric, warm tea still in hand, hesitated for a few moments before crawling beneath a wooden table.

Corey, watching others tip their tables toward the incoming rocks, simply stood up, pressed record on his GoPro camera, and stared at the rocky torrent careening toward the valley floor. “I don’t know why I did it,” Corey said. “I was watching where the rocks were coming from in the hopes I might get out of the way in time.”

When the tumbling rocks came to rest, the valley was choked with plumes of dust, as sharp-edged shards of showered rock blocked the trails both up and downstream. The disaster left one Nepalese guide bleeding from the head and another local villager dead.

At this altitude, Nepal’s Himalayan expanse can be as harsh as it is idyllic. As one traverses east or west, upstream or down, toward the peak or into its valleys, Langtang’s mystique is easily missed: anything made for or by man, typically has to be walked into this remote region. The only crop that grows at such altitude is potato, and this frugal diet is supplemented chiefly by yak’s cheese, with occasional vegetables carries by a sandaled train of porters.

And so just moments after noon on April 25, Corey, Eric and Della worried they might not be able to walk out.

Stranded in a foreign place, the trio and others in Bamboo village looked to the locals for guidance. In one lull between earthquake and aftershock on Saturday afternoon, they followed the Nepalese away from the riverbed and up onto a nearby flat. The spot, tucked behind two immense boulders, provided a natural barrier between themselves and the mountain.

By late afternoon, as crude tents and shelters had started to sprout up, other hikers began to arrive, turned back by blocked trails. Fresh and weary faces brought news of near misses and wanton destruction. Many reported that fallen rock had effectively blocked all trails off the mountain pass.

Without power or a working cellular signal, the group had only one communications tool: a single satellite handset carried by one of the hikers.

Each person took their turn typing their email addresses, one character at a time, into brief but critical missives. After establishing a signal, the group relayed this information to the girl’s mother abroad. “We were all relieved to know that somebody out there knew where we were,” Della told TIME.

MORE: Six More Ways to Give to Nepal Earthquake Relief

But Saturday’s disaster had created a bubble of its own. For Corey, Della and Eric, the folded mountains that separate the Bamboo village from Kathmandu, also masked the size and scale of the earthquake. By Sunday, the number killed by the earthquake would climb to 3,200. (By Friday morning, that toll had reached 5,800.)

“We didn’t understand the gravity of what happened until we received those first few messages,” said Eric.

By then the group had organized themselves into smaller teams. Lacking food and basic supplies, they again turned to the local Nepalese, pooling 20,000 rupees to purchase food, blankets and any cushions found in the rubble they could salvage as mattresses.

They collected buckets of water, boiling each to ensure it was safe to drink. Together, they even cleared a large circle of land adjacent to the river, marking the center with an H. Watching helicopters fly far overhead, they hoped the helipads would catch someone’s attention. To be sure, they built two more.

On Tuesday at 8 a.m., the camp awoke to the loud whirring of rotors. Just hours earlier, the group had developed a flight plan — a crude list of who should have priority if and when a helicopter arrived.

“We had seen a few helicopters high above,” said Eric. “But when we saw the helicopter coming in low, the tears started streaming down our faces.” That morning, however, the helicopter was committed to the rescue of one group, and one group only: mere minutes on the ground, it loaded up the five trapped Japanese citizens and their guide, and took off.

One day later, the Americans would suffer the same cycle of excitement and loss as a helicopter sent for stranded Israelis would leave the remaining 27 behind. With tensions frayed, members sent a renewed barrage of satellite-routed messages — to friends, family and the forceful. In concert, but unknown to them at the time, a campaign on social media and between family and consular staff had raised hopes that a rescue might be imminent.

At 10:30 on Thursday morning, a nine-passenger helicopter cut through the fog in Kathmandu Valley. At the helm, a Nepalese pilot, with two members of the U.S. Special Forces in tow. Climbing out of the valley, and up in elevation, the skies cleared, revealing the brilliant blues and lush greens that have made this part of Nepal so popular with the adventurous from all corners of the world. Della, Eric and Corey had been up since dawn when they heard the helicopter, flying low, up the valley and toward their camp. When the runners touched down, they finally heard the words they had longed for: “Americans first, but we’ll make sure we get everyone out.” Four helicopter trips later, in just under an hour, all 27 were rescued.

See India's Rescue Operations in Quake-Devastated Nepal

Indian soldiers, left, on a rescue mission to Nepal rush to board an Indian Air Force aircraft near New Delhi on April 26, 2015.
Indian soldiers, left, on a rescue mission to Nepal rush to board an Indian Air Force aircraft near New Delhi on April 26, 2015.Altaf Qadri—AP
Plastic containers with drinking water are loaded into an Indian Air Force aircraft headed to Nepal, at a base near New Delhi on April 26, 2015.
Plastic containers with drinking water are loaded into an Indian Air Force aircraft headed to Nepal, at a base near New Delhi on April 26, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
The shadow of an Indian Air Force aircraft carrying relief material is cast on clouds as it approaches landing in Kathmandu, Nepal, on April 27, 2015.
The shadow of an Indian Air Force aircraft carrying relief material is cast on clouds as it approaches landing in Kathmandu, Nepal, on April 27, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
Nepalese volunteers unload relief material, brought by an Indian Air Force helicopter for victims of Saturday's earthquake at Trishuli Bazar in Nepal on April 27, 2015.
Nepalese volunteers unload relief material, brought by an Indian Air Force helicopter for victims of Saturday's earthquake at Trishuli Bazar in Nepal on April 27, 2015.Altaf Qadri—AP
Nepalese soldiers unload relief material brought in an Indian air force helicopter for victims of Saturdayís earthquake at Trishuli Bazar in Nepal on April 27, 2015.
Nepalese soldiers unload relief material brought in by an Indian Air Force helicopter for victims of Saturday's earthquake at Trishuli Bazar in Nepal on April 27, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
Nepalese villagers watch as relief material is brought in an Indian air force helicopter for victims of Saturdayís earthquake at Trishuli Bazar in Nepal on April 27, 2015.
Nepalese villagers watch as relief material is brought in by an Indian Air Force helicopter for victims of Saturday's earthquake at Trishuli Bazar in Nepal on April 27, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
Nepalese villagers injured in Saturdayís earthquake await evacuation at Trishuli Bazar in Nepal on April 27, 2015.
Nepalese villagers injured in Saturday's earthquake await evacuation at Trishuli Bazar in Nepal on April 27, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
Nepalese soldiers carry a wounded man on a makeshift stretcher to an Indian Air Force helicopter as they evacuate victims of Saturday's earthquake from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal on April 27, 2015.
Nepalese soldiers carry a wounded man on a makeshift stretcher to an Indian Air Force helicopter as they evacuate victims of Saturday's earthquake from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal on April 27, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
Nepalese victims of Saturday's earthquake lie inside an Indian air force helicopter as they are evacuated from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal on April 27, 2015.
Nepalese victims of Saturday's earthquake lie inside an Indian Air Force helicopter as they are evacuated from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal on April 27, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
An Indian Air Force person walks carrying a Nepalese child, wounded in Saturday's earthquake, to a waiting ambulance as the mother rushes to join after they were evacuated from a remote area at the airport in Kathmandu on April 27, 2015.
An Indian Air Force member carries a Nepalese child, wounded in Saturday's earthquake, to a waiting ambulance as the mother rushes to join after they were evacuated from a remote area at the airport in Kathmandu on April 27, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
Victims of Saturday's earthquake wait for ambulances to take them to hospitals after being evacuated at the airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, on April 27, 2015.
Victims of Saturday's earthquake wait for ambulances to take them to hospitals after being evacuated at the airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, on April 27, 2015. Altaf Qadri—AP
A man sits with a child on his lap as victims of Saturday's earthquake wait for ambulances after being evacuated at the airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, on April 27, 2015.
A man sits with a child on his lap as victims of Saturday's earthquake wait for ambulances after being evacuated at the airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, on April 27, 2015.Altaf Qadri—AP

On Thursday evening, in the U.S. embassy’s commissary, a hall with high ceilings bracketed by glass windows, Corey, Eric and Della appeared equal parts relieved, excited and exhausted — the six days of worry presenting, sometimes unexpectedly, with startled laughs, nervous chatter or watery eyes.

Over dinner, their first in days, the trio worked through their last week together, often correcting each other’s accounts, and pausing to reflect on what the experience meant to them.

Their rescue flight took them to Dhunche, which now serves as a staging zone for the Nepalese military and more complicated air relief efforts. Once there, the three met with U.S. consular staff, one of whom mentioned a chance of returning to Kathmandu today. When the time came to board, though, there were five Americans for three spots — Corey, Eric and Della, and another couple. They flipped a coin and won.

“There are so many people we are thankful for, the people at home, the people here, the people at camp who banded together,” Eric reflects. “This could have been far worse.”

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