Watch Jon Stewart Kick Seth Rollins Where It Hurts

2 minute read

The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart and professional wrestler Seth Rollins finally came to (low) blows on WWE’s Monday Night Raw broadcast, when the opportunistic Stewart took advantage of a distraction and kicked Rollins below the belt.

The groin kick was the climax to what has become one of television’s most entertaining feuds.

A couple of weeks ago, the ever boastful Rollins claimed he could “take over as host of The Daily Show for John Stewart and make that thing actually watchable.” Stewart was displeased and fired back on YouTube saying, “you messed with the wrong guy, and I’m coming, and that’s money in the bank my friend,” referencing Rollins’ nickname ‘Mr. Money in the Bank.’

Last Thursday, the stage was set for this latest showdown when Rollins crashed The Daily Show’s ‘Moment of Zen’ segment and invited Stewart on Raw; the host then valiantly, but unsuccessfully, attempted to put Mr. Money in the Bank in a headlock.

On Monday’s Raw, things were looking desperate for Stewart as Rollins was clearly taking advantage of his physical superiority. But the surprise entrance of wrestler Randy Orton distracted Rollins, and a calculating Stewart executed the faithful “left footer” kick.

Afterwards, speaking to WWE backstage reporter Renee Young, Stewart was proud, and even hinted that WWE may be in his future when The Daily Show wraps up later this year.

“I might have to train a little bit,” Stewart said.

But he was so clearly anxious about Rollins’ revenge that it may be unwise to take him at his word.

See Jon Stewart's Most Memorable Guests On The Daily Show

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