• Entertainment

Donald Trump Fired Someone From Celebrity Apprentice for Not Calling Bill Cosby

2 minute read

[SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have watched Sunday’s season premiere of The Celebrity Apprentice.]

Bill Cosby was back on network television on Sunday night. But it was his name rather than his face that was present, as his former TV daughter Keshia Knight Pulliam was the first person fired from the new season of Celebrity Apprentice—in part because she never reached out to her former Cosby Show TV dad for a donation.

The first task was a fundraising challenge as teams were scrambling to line up big donors for pies they were baking. As Project Manager of the men’s team, Geraldo Rivera brought in the big bucks, and women’s Project Manager Keshia could not keep up, especially when she opted not to ask for money from the now-embattled comedian because they did not have a close enough relationship. (The entire season was filmed before the recent controversy that has erupted around Cosby.) As a result, she was fired.

In other news, we learned Ivanka Trump is a huge 90210 fan, that Kevin Jonas has a lot of Twitter followers, and that a Howard Stern impersonator creates more of a stir than an actual bona fide Joe Piscopo.

My full recap will be up soon [UPDATE: Dalton’s recap is now live], but feel free to weigh in with your thoughts in the meantime. Was the right person fired? And whom are you loving and loathing so far? Plus, for more Celebrity Apprentice news and views, follow me on Twitter @DaltonRoss.

This article originally appeared on EW.com

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