Here Are The Best Cities For Trick-or-Treating

1 minute read

Come Halloween night, all the savviest trick-or-treaters know which houses on their block give out the best candy and have the best decorations. And everyone also knows which ones give out the dreaded toothbrushes and apples.

But real estate site Zillow takes this annual battle for Halloween domination to a national level: instead of house-to-house comparisons, the site ranks which cities measure up as the best for trick-or-treaters overall.

The winner: San Francisco. Followed by Los Angeles and Chicago, with Baltimore rounding out the list at number 20.

The results are based on four variables: neighborhood home values (with the assumption that wealthier neighborhoods will give out more and better candy), population density, Walk Score and local crime data. According to Zillow, the list reflects the cities that amount to the Holy Grail of trick-or-treating: “the most candy, in the least amount of time, with the fewest safety risks.”

See if your city makes the cut here.

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Write to Tessa Berenson Rogers at