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‘Fit Mom’ Still Wants You To Feel Inferior and Kind of Lazy

2 minute read

Did you miss her? Probably not.

Exercise enthusiast and professional provocateur Maria Kang—that’s ‘Fit Mom’ to you—has posted yet another controversial photo to her Facebook page. The image is covered in hot pink arrows pointing to specific parts of her body, annotated with details about her successes (“not a trainer, athlete or fitness model”), struggles (“stretchmarks”), and many admirable qualities (discipline, focus, faith) all while maintaining a sheen of condescension—she’s literally glowing in her photo.

AdWeek reports that the new photo is part of a promotional push for Kang’s new website: NoExcuseMom.com. The project, which purports to be a ‘movement,’ features women of all shapes and sizes, along with recipes, exercises and profiles of realistic female role models. The site also sells “what’s your excuse” tank tops, alongside a calendar featuring “real every day moms.” The effort is admirable, but the question remains as whether Kang can stop focusing on her favorite subject—look no further than her photo-heavy Facebook page—to make her dream a reality.

Kang became an Internet sensation last year after a picture she posted of herself posing in workout clothes with her three young children under the banner “what’s your excuse?” went viral. The ensuing flurry of coverage led to TV appearances, a sorry/not sorry apology to the entire Internet, a temporary ban from Facebook and even an essay written for TIME about how the “fat acceptance” movement is harmful.

This new salvo in her never-ending campaign to remind mothers of all the desirable qualities of discipline and hard work that they probably don’t have will probably launch another Internet frenzy and a new round of clarifications for Kang. It’s a wonder she has time to work out at all.

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