Passenger’s Sexist Note to Woman Pilot Goes Viral

1 minute read

A passenger on a recent WestJet flight left a crude, sexist note scrawled on a napkin denouncing the flight’s female pilot.

“To Capt./WestJet,” the note says. “The cockpit of airliner [sic] is no place for a woman. A woman being a mother is the most honor not as “captain” Proverbs 31 (Sorry not P.C.) P.S. I wish WestJet could tell me a fair lady is at the helm so I can book another flight! Were [sir] short mothers not pilots Westjet.”

The genius passenger—who, by all indications traveled safely from point to point on the woman-piloted flight—did not leave a name.

The pilot, Carey Smith Steacy, posted the note to Facebook where it began its viral journey across the Internet. On social media people have been offering words of support for Steacy.

WestJet told ABC News, “We are enormously proud of the professionalism, skills and expertise of our pilots and we were disappointed to see this note.”

[ABC News]

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