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  • Parenting

How to Be a Better Parent: 3 Counterintuitive Lessons From Science

5 minute read

Excerpts from my interview with Po Bronson, New York Times bestselling author of NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children, about how to be a better parent.

1) Peer Pressure Can Be A Good Thing

Myth: Peer pressure is always bad, just leading kids to drinking, drugs and vandalism.

Fact: The same instinct that makes some kids so vulnerable to peer pressure also makes them better students, friends and, eventually, partners.

Po Bronson:

2) It’s Okay — Even Good — To Fight In Front Of Your Kids

Myth: It’s bad for kids to see their parents fighting.

Fact: It’s good for kids to see parents fight — as long as they also see them resolve the problem. This is how children learn to stand up for themselves while also preserving a relationship.

Po Bronson:

3) Teens Who Argue Are Good Teens

Myth: Teens who argue are rebellious and need to learn their place.

Fact: Teens need to learn to negotiate and they need to be rewarded for being reasonable. Parents with zero tolerance for “talking back” teach kids that lying is the only way to get what you want.

Po Bronson:

What The Research Taught Him About Being A Dad

Po Bronson:

Po interviewed about NurtureShock on WNYC:

Curious to learn more?

For my extended interview with Po, join my free weekly email update here. In the extended interview Po explains:

  • The simplest method for boosting a baby’s verbal ability.
  • A technique that reduces child lying by 75%.
  • Why teaching your kids about gratitude may backfire.
  • Join here.

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    This piece originally appeared on Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

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