Artist Statement
Year: 1987
This TIMEPiece takes us back to New York City in 1987. The city was much different than it is today. The streets were gritty, dangerous, and riddled with graffiti. Even with NYC in a state of turmoil, it proved to be one of the most fun and interesting times to be alive in the city.
This piece includes three photos divided into a triptych, representing my interpretation of “slices of TIME.” The top and bottom moments portray stories of companionship and happiness. These captures embody a silver lining despite being surrounded by a tougher environment. The middle frame, a DeLorean resembling the vehicle from “Back to the Future,” represents the time travel to and from the next TIMEPiece. The “Back to the Future” movies were also very popular in the years surrounding 1987. These images were photographed in present day New York.