Inspired by ancient Arabia, Hafsah Faizal’s dazzling young adult novel focuses on the kingdom of Arawiya, where a lost artifact is needed to restore magic to the world. The task of finding the artifact falls to 17-year-old Zafira, who has been traveling the nearby cursed forests disguised as a man called the Hunter. In Arawiya, women aren’t allowed to live as freely as men do, leaving Zafira to hide her identity. Her journey becomes intertwined with that of Nasir, known as the Prince of Death, who is also seeking the artifact and is determined to bring down the Hunter. But when a new threat emerges, the two become unexpected allies, with an undeniable chemistry that Faizal lets simmer throughout the book. Though certainly a love story, We Hunt the Flame is also a moving portrait of a heroine growing into her power as Zafira fights against the oppression of women. —Annabel Gutterman