He’s got a license to kill, and he’s not afraid to use it. Over 23 official* movies since 1962, James Bond has sent scores of villains and henchmen to their untimely deaths (370 by our count). Our analysis finds some Bonds are more deadly than others, and delves into some of the wildest and weirdest kills by the British spy.
*Including all 23 of the Eon Production movies. This does not include the 1967 spoof Casino Royale or the “unofficial” 1983 movie Never Say Never Again.
The Deadliest Bond
Pierce Brosnan tops the 007s by average number of kills per movie

Bond’s Kill Count Per Movie

*A “kill” is defined here as a confirmed death at the hands of James Bond in one of the 23 official Eon Production movies leading up to but not including the Nov. 6 U.S. release of Spectre. Multiple kills in explosions or other deaths offscreen were estimated by close observation of clips. Sources: Auralnauts, filmsite.org and AllOuttaBubbleGum.com.
Die Another Way
Bond’s foes are killed off in a variety of ways, but some methods are more common than others

Photo-Collages by Alexander Ho for TIME; Illustrations by Heather Jones for TIME; Photos: Columbia Pictures (Craig); The Deadliest Bond, from left: Getty Images, Columbia Pictures (Craig); Die Another Way, from top: Getty Images, United Artists, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (Brosnan)