Gustavo Petro

Gustavo Petro
Sebastian Barros—NurPhoto/Getty Images

When Gustavo Petro assumed the presidency of Colombia in August 2022, I was lucky enough to be there to see the streets of Bogotá full of people—and of hope. Gustavo, the leader of a historic political coalition, has built an ambitious and transformative program. With the pragmatism required to exercise power, he has built broad alliances that allow him to dialogue with most of the democratic forces in his country. His north star is deepening Colombia’s peace plan, using all of the knowledge gained in recent years in a territory that was besieged by violence for far too long, along with rebuilding Latin American unity beyond rhetoric—a goal we share. Gustavo also dares to speak about complex issues, like the failure of the antidrug policy championed by the U.S. and the need to overhaul it; the fair distribution of wealth in his country and in the world; and the imperative to care for the environment in the context of a global climate crisis. He’s a leader who makes difficult decisions and learns fast. I deeply respect him and the projects he embodies.

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Boric is the President of Chile

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