Gina Raimondo

Gina Raimondo
Ting Shen—Bloomberg/Getty Images

In 1971, my mother had me visit our neighbors to congratulate them on the arrival of their new baby, Gina Marie Raimondo. I had no idea this tiny bundle from a working-class family would become Rhode Island’s first female governor and the U.S. Secretary of Commerce.

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Gina’s brilliance, skill, and work ethic fueled her meteoric rise, while her family keeps her grounded. She has always been a fierce competitor, unafraid to tackle thorny issues and willing to sacrifice her own political fortunes for the greater good.

As Secretary, she is reviving U.S. manufacturing and rebuilding our technological infrastructure. To return the U.S. to being the global leader in microchip production, she deftly shepherded the CHIPS and Science Act through Congress and is building the diverse coalitions needed to supercharge U.S. semiconductor production, fortify supply chains, and strengthen national security. As always, Secretary Raimondo will get the job done, credit others, and embrace the next challenge.

Reed, a Democrat, is a U.S. Senator for Rhode Island

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