Shinzo Abe

Japan’s revivalist

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Shinzo Abe’s confident and dynamic leadership has revived Japan’s economy and prospects since he became Prime Minister in December 2012. As a statesman, he is both resilient and pragmatic, recognizing that the prosperity and security of our region depends on maintaining and developing the rules-based international order. In a world with many strong and dominant leaders, he has certainly been as tenacious and courageous as any other.

But he has also been flexible, a careful listener and always willing to work to accommodate the views of others. Nothing shows this more than the way he worked with other nations to resuscitate the Trans-Pacific Partnership when its future looked bleak following the withdrawal of the U.S. He stayed the course, and in March, 11 nations including Australia and Japan signed the TPP-11.

Under Shinzo Abe’s leadership, Japan has become an ever closer trusted strategic partner for Australia, and I greatly value his friendship and wise counsel.

Turnbull is the Prime Minister of Australia

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