Chuck Schumer

Photograph by Gabriella Demczuk—Getty Images

Over the past few years, the only person I have talked to more than Senator Chuck Schumer is my wife Landra. Yet Schumer and I had to make a rule: no phone calls after 10 p.m. Through it all, Schumer and I became very close. He is a good man, and no one is more prepared to lead Senate Democrats through this difficult time than he.

Everyone knows he has a sharp mind for politics, but he is also a deeply principled man who will stand strong for Democratic values. He became a leader under much different circumstances than he imagined, but there is a reason for everything.

The times we live in shape us in ways we never could have imagined. If there is one guarantee about being Senate leader, it’s that it is a completely unpredictable job. But whatever lies ahead, I have enormous faith in Schumer, and I am confident that he is the right man for this moment.

Reid is a former Democratic Senator from Nevada

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