Watch Adele Go Undercover as an Adele Impersonator

Adele just pulled off the best prank of the year


I’ma let you finish, Justin Bieber, but Adele just pulled off the best prank of the year.

Teaming up with the BBC’s Graham Norton, the singer — who just dropped her third studio album, 25 — disguised herself as an Adele impersonator to hang out with a bunch of other Adele impersonators and absolutely freak them out.

To pull it off, Adele got a fake chin and fake nose to go undercover as Jenny, whose day job, Adele says, is nannying. When she introduces herself to the fellow impersonators, she does a pretty stellar job at hiding the fact that she does, in fact, have a casual 10 Grammys at home. She even sneaks in a dig at herself and fakes some serious nerves before taking the stage for her performance of “Make You Feel My Love.” But as soon as she sings, no one can deny that that, right there, is most definitely Adele.

This article originally appeared on EW.com

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