Table of ContentsMassacre in Hebron Will They Pay? WHY WHITEWATER MATTERSChange of HeartEspionage, Betrayal and Greed Suddenly, an Old Nemesis Seen & HeardThe Great Tax Switch After years of painful maneuvering, Michigan may have found a better way to finance public schoolsTIME Contents page March 28, 1994 Vol. 143, No. 13 The Irish Puzzle Gerry Adams talks peace, but does Sinn Fein's silver tongue really mean it?THE PRESIDENCY The Grandfather in ChiefA Hint of Spring in The Balkan Tangle In a negotiating flurry, the factions have produced a federation plan and an easing of the Sarajevo siegeHebron's Ugly Truths Hints of a second shooter and revelations of official laxity raise the specter of high-level resignationsWINNERS & LOSERS Back to the Bad Old Days As weary U.S. troops depart, they leave behind a country in no better shape than when they arrivedINSIDE WASHINGTON Miscommunication at Foggy Bottom IN THE SPOTLIGHT Trouble in the East In exclusive interviews, leaders in South Korea and China talk about fears of North Korea's nuclear aspirations and problems with the U.S.THE WEEK MARCH 13-19A Shotgun, a Promise of $5 and a Skinned Cat TIGERS ON THE BRINK Once considered a conservation success story, they are again sliding toward extinction. This time the world's nations may not be able to save the great cats.TIME Magazine masthead MARCH 28, 1994 VOL. 143 NO. 13 Even the Winners Are Losers BREAST CANCER: A DIAGNOSIS OF DECEIT A prominent researcher fudged data in a study that led surgeons to change how they operate on patientsAbout Harry and Louise A CAR, A WATCH? SWATCHMOBILE! What happens when you marry a Mercedes to a fashion accessory? Nicolas Hayek wants to find out.NOT SO DEARLY DEPARTED STONEWALL The Mummy's Tale A woman's remains prove that tuberculosis existed in the New World before Columbus crossed the seaRELIVING POLIO Forty years after the great postwar epidemic, the disease is coming back to haunt its survivorsHOW DO YOU SAY ''REATTACH'' IN KOREAN? Rap's Teen Idols Return Multiplatinum has-beens Hammer and Vanilla Ice remake their rapper images, but their new albums still fail to satisfyINFORMED SOURCES THE DESTRUCTION OF OLD MEXICO A historian offers a tentative but richly detailed narrative of how Spanish warriors conquered Montezuma's Indian empireHILLARY WHO? Bleak Chic A Richard Avedon retrospective poses the question: genius or just slick?ZHIRINOVSKY BEAT ANIMAL HUSBANDRY A novel interlaces three stories of woman and beastPICTURES AT AN EXECUTIONHEALTH REPORT SELF-LOVE IN A COLD CLIMATE The latest installment of a historical cycle is crippled by author William T. Vollmann's fascination with one character: himselfNO SLACKERS From Ghetto To West Point Gus Lee's China Boy becomes a man of honorSPRING, SCHMING Give Me Some SlackBig-Screen ElleMILESTONES THE YOUNG AND THE SENSELESS The success of inane prime-time soap Melrose Place proves you don't have to be smart to be hotSPRINGTIME FOR TONYA A whack ends with a whimper as the skater plea-bargains her way out of a potential trialIt's a Jungle Out There The Administration is in retreat, embarrassed by disclosures, unable to head off congressional probes