Table of ContentsENERGY Gee, Your Car Smells Terrific! In the race to develop cleaner-burning auto fuels, an old standby -- gasoline -- is making a surprising comebackSCANDALS Taken for a Royal Ride In the wake of the B.C.C.I. debacle, a trustful sheik and more than a million depositors are left holding the bagTRANSPORTATION Get 'Em While They Last As weak airlines falter, four giant U.S. carriers are picking up the pieces and racing toward global dominanceLamb TVBig, Strong And Kind of CuteA Lot to Show for HerselfRaisa's TurnHart AttackWORLD NOTES SAUDI ARABIA Pilgrims' Plight WORLD NOTES YUGOSLAVIA Breathing Space WORLD NOTES CHINA Go Away. No, Don't. Yes, Do. SOUTH AFRICA A Black-and-White Future Apartheid would have fallen anyway, but sanctions helped speed the process. So Bush decided it was time to lift them as an incentive for more progress.The Great Survivor Ostracized for not joining the anti-Saddam coalition, KING HUSSEIN of Jordan looks back in exasperation, but refuses to lose hope that peace will come to the Middle EastWORLD NOTES DIPLOMACY Ambassador in The Doghouse The New France In a transformed Europe, the French contemplate their place, their problems and their purposeAmbitions on a Grand Scale Seizing the technological high ground, France positions itself for a leading role in the closely integrated Europe of the 21st centuryAMERICAN NOTES FOOD You Are What You Eat AMERICAN NOTES CONGRESS A Future Speaker? AMERICAN NOTES WOODSTOCK, N.Y. Wigged-Out Windfall? FEUDS God and Money Part 9 In court, two besmirched evangelists battle over assets that evaporated in scandals of the '80sAMERICAN NOTES CRIME FIGHTING Go Directly To Jail IN THE HOT SEATLOOK WHO'S SORRY NOWAn American OptimistLET'S HAVE IT BOTH WAYSBAD MANNERSIRAN-CONTRA The Cover-Up Begins to Crack A former CIA official admits the agency lied about its knowledge of the secret plan to fund the Nicaraguan rebels. Even worse, U.S. spymasters may have been entangled with a notorious criminal enterprise.The Last Bastions Of Bigotry A year after the P.G.A. banned discrimination on the tour, private golf clubs have made, at most, token changesTHEATER Icebound on Fire IslandIF THEY CAN DO IT, WE CAN DO ITMUSIC Sunshine GirlOPERA Post-Funny in PolandIt Wasn't for Lack of Trying CINEMA A Chill on the HeartDESERT STORM AFTERMATH Can Bush Keep Saddam from Building An Atom Bomb? Short of sending the bombers back, the President has few options as the last U.S. troops withdraw from IraqCINEMA Board StiffCOVER STORY A Fight over Liquid Gold In a huge portion of the parched West, life would be impossible without the Colorado River. Now the very prosperity that its waters created threatens the river's survival.PUBLIC OPINION Vaulting over Political Polls A Texas political scientist is creating a new form of voter sampling, with results to appear on PBS nationwideA Tasty Touch Of Acid Specialty vinegars are the tartest new trend LOS ANGELES Will Gates Give Up The Fight At Last? The embattled police chief is scalded by an independent investigation that charges brutality and racism in the L.A.P.D.How to Eat, How to Live Sick of foul British weather, Peter Mayle finds a paradise in Provence, and even a pot of goldTwo Mud Treatments -- to Go Feeling stressed? In major centers, a quick trip to a day spa is the trendy way for busy people to relax in a hurry.TIME magazine contents page Vol. 138 No. 3 JULY 22, 1991 Cute and Peppy in Beverly HillsSpace Arguments Reach Out and Cure Someone A new 900 number offers medical advice by phone, but can it replace a family physician's personal touch?COCAINE INC. Beating the Summertime Blahs ^ Yes, the usual seasonal fare is rejects and retreads, but this year the networks have come up with a few off-the-wall shows worth checking outThe Double Dawn The eclipse taught scientists that the sun is bigger than they had thought, and its atmosphere hotter and denserCall of the Wild BUSINESS NOTES PACKAGING A Good Egg Gets Better BUSINESS NOTES SCAMS An Unhealthy Profit Source of Shame BUSINESS NOTES TRADEMARKS The Doughboy Pokes Back BUSINESS NOTES ELECTRONICS Pennies for The Piper Loving Mother Earth BUSINESS NOTES FEDERAL RESERVE O.K., You've Waited Enough Nature's Role Tradition Rattled