Table of ContentsBusiness Notes FINANCE Wall Street's Odd Couple Business Notes HUNTING Go Ahead, but Drop the Clubs George Shultz's Feisty Lawyer Abraham Sofaer draws fire as State Department legal adviserA Quixotic Four-Star Foray Haig wants another chance to say, ''I am in control here''Stain on a Shining Record Whistling Dixie Clinton and Gore to the fore Insurance for the Twilight Years Life care takes the uncertainty out of retirementPied Piper to the Truly Rich The U.S. cracks down on a tax-shelter schemeThe Presidency A Trouper Plays America AgainThe President's New Men Baker picks a team that hopes to reinvigorate the White HouseWorld Notes BRITAIN How the Toads Cross the Road Calm in the Eye of the Storm Poindexter feels he kept the President properly informed Righteous in His Own Backyard FENCES by August WilsonHonduran Sting Fighting the Trade Tilt The U.S. fires protective tariffs at Japanese electronics productsAmerican Notes SPACE A Bolt In the Blue An Uproar over AIDS Drugs Protesters cite high cost and federal foot draggingSingular and Grand Britons Modernism in LondonCOVER STORY TV's Unholy Row A sex-and-money scandal tarnishes electronic evangelismAmerican Notes INVENTIONS Drunkproofing Automobiles Wrong Message from Academe Colleges, say blacks, are doing too little too late about racismAmerican Notes CALIFORNIA What's Yours Is Mine History with Gusto No More Baby Kissing After a year under Mayor Clint, Carmel is lean and cleanBusiness Notes AUTO RENTALS They Do Leave The Radios House of Horrors Serial murder in Philadelphia American Notes CRIME Etta Smith's Fatal Vision Business Notes LABOR Maximizing The Minimum Business Notes SCANDALS Beer Boss Bites Bullet Spring Break at South Padre Island Students find a new Fort Lauderdale on the Texas coastFilling the Canal AFGHANISTAN Hot Pursuit Kabul strikes at Pakistan Can a System Keep a Secret? The Iranscam revelations raise thorny issues about privacyTIME Magazine contents page APRIL 6, 1987 Vol 129 No 14 Sensible Shelter CHAD Down and Out in Faya-Largeau Gaddafi and his Libyan troops suffer a devasting setbackA Judge's Breach of Confidence Did Felix Frankfurter go too far to secure a famous victory?Baby M. -- Emotions for SaleMale Bastions THE PHILIPPINES Tough Words from the Top Faced with rebel intransigence, Aquino issues a battle cryLifted Lexicons Reagan's Renewal TERRORISM Video Plea A hostage is reported gravely ill Pollard's Punishment Meanwhile, Behind the Throne TIME Magazine Masthead APRIL 6, 1987 Vol 129 No 14 INDIA End of an Enchanted Honeymoon Once highly popular, Gandhi is losing his golden glowThe Rebuilding of Remar Sutton How a jelly belly made his bod over and sold it tooLife in the Territory of Exile A SPORT OF NATURE by Nadine Gordimer; Knopf; 336 pages; $18.95CHINA Settling for A Stalemate For now, party leaders choose a middle roadLeaner and Meaner? Presidential Scorecard Room for One More? The Fox network makes its move into prime timeBanned Textbooks American Notes CHICAGO Dishonorable Opponents , World Notes DIPLOMACY A Pen Pal for Mrs. T. Surfaces THE JAGUAR SMILE by Salman Rushdie Viking; 171 pages; $12.95Which Actions Are Legal? Trompe l'Oeil ARTFUL PARTNERS: BERNARD BERENSON AND JOSEPH DUVEEN by Colin Simpson Macmillan; 323 pages; $22.50 BERNARD BERENSON: THE MAKING OF A LEGEND by Ernest Samuels Harvard University; 680 pages; $25Web of Collaboration THE ASSAULT Directed by Fons Rademakers; Screenplay by Gerard SoetemanWorld Notes WEST GERMANY Brandt's Bitter Farewell World Notes THE AEGEAN Major Alert, Minor Dispute The Marine Spy Scandal: ''It's a Biggie'' Two guards accused of betraying the Moscow embassy to Soviet agents face espionage chargesWorld Notes EL SALVADOR Failing Marks For Kidnapers Swaggart's Fervor Floating Homes Shark Parade TIN MEN Directed and Written by Barry LevinsonChirac: ''We Need a Strong U.S.''Balancing Act In a sweeping decision, the high court expands affirmative actionIn Philadelphia: A Flower ShowFRANCE The Perils of Power Sharing After a year of coexistence, Chirac proves it can be done