Table of Contents
Table of ContentsToward the Functional CenterKeeping the Lines Open"God's Gift to the U.S.A."Did Solidarity Push Too Hard?There He Goes Again . . .Rarest of GemsThe ERA Loses Two More RoundsMurder on Boulevard Emile-AugierThe Bells Are RingingMoney TalksLucky LockheedThe Reel Thing"I Know What I Should Like"Stewing in Its Own LargesseTrading Tradition for JobsThe Poetic License to KillTeacup DemonsThe White House Sensitivity GapNight PeopleLabor's Tough New WorldIslamic FervorFavorite SonRevolt Among FriendsCrashing in FormationDesire Under the PalmsSimonizedOut Front on Arms ControlBattle of the BookletsPut to the TestUnmasked M.D.Dire OctopusLove, Rage and the QuotidianAn Unhappy AnniversaryAbbott Is GuiltyF.D.R.'s Disputed LegacyNo Marching in the StreetsTorture by DietTempers Rising over TradeKerosene's Rising SunColumbia Decides to Go CoedBattling for SurvivalMain Street's Shy RevisionistLeather Turns Soft and SexyJukebox BluesCaptured in Decapitating DetailAn American Legend in ParisGrubby HeroEquipping the Disabled
Feb. 1, 1982, Vol. 119, No. 51982-02-011982-02-01
Page 18
Complete archive still in progress

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