Table of ContentsAccused Congressmen are indictedWho'll Fight For America? Manpower problems are undermining U.S. military might"We Want Out" Cubans chafe at camp lifeCleared Jordan is vindicatedCarter's Columnist CriticsA Letter From The PublisherPeopleTerrible Ted Vs. The Networks A 24-hour cable TV news hookup aims for prestige and profitsMore In Sorrow Than In Anger Reluctantly, many top noncoms are leaving the servicesPatriotism Is No Longer Enough Getting--and keeping--top people will be costly, says a TIME panelAmbush In The Night Vernon Jordan is shot down in Fort Wayne. The biggest question: Why?Balloons, Bands And Oratory Carter encounters Reagan, and once again nobody wins"Outrageous" New row over who gets whatThe Real Nixon He writes a primer on powerTo Dare Mighty ThingsReagan Confronts The World And he sees everywhere the threat of Communist takeoverTen Days That Shook Kwangju Paratroopers put down a citizens' insurrectionIndexUproar Over A Walkout Weizman quits as Defense Minister and precipitates Begin's worst crisisEndowed Energy Innovators Looking to Yankee ingenuity for breakthroughsCalifornia's Golden Touch The world's ninth largest economy has a few growing painsThe Cadets From Soweto As racial tensions rise, a white capitalist grooms a black eliteAw Gee, Guys Pay-up time for the HuntsPistol-Packin' Parliament A new Majlis meets amid fresh efforts to free the hostagesMilestonesCorrida For Two A parliamentary battle reawakens a young democracyA Few Kind Words For Cholesterol A scientific panel says it is calories that really countHigh Kicks Above The Big Apple European-style cabaret can-can succeed in ManhattanLettersBattle Plan Of A RebelBack To Basics The Pope's new Mass decreeOnce More Oberammergau Cash and controversy over a Passion playGuess Who's Coming To Moscow A final count isn't in yet, but some medals won't mean muchNo End Seems To Be In Sight Until a cap is formed, Mount St. Helens may continue rumblingBroke And BlueConsumers Feel The Pinch And Madison Avenue wants to know: How do you sell in a recession?Sunbelt Saturday NightJoy In Uniondale The Islanders don't chokeNotableOn Being Citizens And SoldiersShaw & Co. An ambitious festivalRoyal Siren