Table of Contents
Table of ContentsGifts By Mail Tenable, not trendy, is the ruleLettersAgainst A Wife's Will? In Oregon, a husband goes on trial for rapeIndexImagesImagesImagesImagesMilestonesFour Who Also Shaped Events A Rough Apprenticeship, a New BeginningSquall Over Carter's Move Conservatives campaign against the U.S. deal with PekingThe "Other China" Stands Fast Its mood as the shock wears off: ever greater resolveA Country With A Long Way To Go Seediness, poverty and neglect belie the propaganda imagesBeyond Confucius And Kung Fu A varied landscape, countless dialects, and traces of a "decadent" pastLittle Man In A Big Hurry An old revolutionary with scarcely a second to wasteVisionary Of A New China Teng Hsiao-p'ing opens the Middle Kingdom to the worldImagesImagesLabor: A Year Of Showdowns Union demands will put heavy strain on Administration wage guidelinesIbm For All Compute it at 4 to 1L'AmourBottom-Line Time In Hollywood 1978's hits (and flops) were full of surprisesAn International Bill Of Fare Traditional and new recipes travel from arroz to zuppa"There Will Be Another Chapter" But for now, the U.S.-Israeli freeze remains deepA Search For New Faces And for ways to get the Shah to accept reduced powersGandhi In The Slammer A good place, she figures, to launch a re-election campaignCradle Of Rock And how it was babied alongSalt: The Home Stretch Vance and Gromyko work on the last details of an arms pactDance Of The Oil Dervishes OPEC's sharp price increase will hurt the U.S. economyThe Virtues Of SecrecyA Fourth Shot? New mystery in the JFK caseAshes Over The Atlantic Jim Jones is cremated, but macabre questions remainSkyjack Sequel In search of a father figureOf Women, Knights And Horses Millions of "displaced homemakers" are starting to organizePeopleA Letter From The PublisherWhite Theology's Last Bastion The Afrikaans churches are shunned abroad, isolated at homeSkylab Will Come Tumbling Down The U.S. abandons efforts to salvage its space stationA Flood Of Film Biography The rush is on to resurrect practically everybodyBiggest Bear In The Briar Patch Coach Bryant tries for another national title for AlabamaGirl Gets BoyThe State Of The Language, 1978
Jan. 1, 1979, Vol. 113, No. 11979-01-011979-01-01
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