Table of Contents
Table of ContentsHard TimesFuror Over Japan Rising ire over a still soaring surplusChrysler Gets Some "Firepower" Feisty Lee Iacocca is back at the wheel againCapitalizing On A Collection Nelson Rockefeller's venture in mail-order artPats Vs. Nows Two 5% solutionsTrojan Horse At Southern Cal? Proposed Arab studies center stirs up a campus rowSnob's Guide A new way to rate collegesA Pall Over The Suburban Mall Burlington, Vt., defeats a competing shopping centerAmericanaIn Spokane: A Pauperish Yet Princely ChurchmanA Masterpiece For Merseyside After 74 years of building, Liverpool has its cathedralFootball As Erotic Ritual Are the guys on the gridiron really gay?The Bard For A New GenerationNotableBunny BusinessFlap About Pap Is an annual exam needed?MilestonesUpstairs, Downstairs Revisited The dwindling ranks of domestics gain new respect.A Bum Rap For Dr. Steptoe Chicago group withdraws his award for test-tube babyTm In The Pen Stopping mayhem with mantrasLettersDesert Rescue Saving animals of the BibleIndexReady To Roll New York's dailies due backA Letter From The EditorsPeopleCheesecakes And Ale In Britain New competition in Fleet Street's nudespaper warWhy Lillo Is Lying Low The would-be godfather is afraid of being killedThe Odyssey Of Huey Newton Violence is never far from the Black Panthers' leaderTo Rescue The Dollar Carter tries a bold gamble, but will recession next year be the price?Cleveland: Facing Collapse? The treasury is as bare as the school board president's bottomAnother Crisis For The Shah A grim week of strikes, slowdowns and lingering discontentGogol DancingThe Return Of Haley's Comet ABC gears up Roots: The Next GenerationsOnce In Love With Mary First, You Cry, Nov. 8, CBS, 9 p.m. E.S.T.Catch A Falling Snowflake For parachutists, fun is forming patterns in the skyCosmic Champs A space mark for the SovietsPiltdown Culprit Has the hoaxer been found?Discovering A Celtic Tut Ancient chieftain's tomb is dug up in GermanyNot Kosher The Hilton's problems shouldn't happen to a dogPoor Little Paradise A banana republic's birthdaySunny Jim And The Political Winds They blow, ever so slightly, in his favor as Parliament reconvenesA Watergate For Pretoria Scandals shake the National PartyAn Idi-Otic Invasion Amin avenges a slightA Point Of No Return That Egyptian-Israeli treaty may be just down the road
Nov. 13, 1978, Vol. 112, No. 201978-11-131978-11-13
Page 125
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