Table of ContentsWild ChildBody LanguageBoom In Sunshine Cruises Games, meals, movies--and a few bugsPlaying Politics With Airlines Pan Am screams foul at Braniff's rich, new route gainsEarly Detection Better tests for prostate cancerIt's Denver And Dallas Broncomania v. Cowboy cool in the SuperdomeA Shrine Of Showbigness Goes DownPas De Deux Dance of the PremiersExploring An Ominous Bulge Scientists study puzzling earth movements in CaliforniaRebels' Rally Indira turns a rift into a chasmWind Shifts In The Pacific America's neglected South Sea empire struggles for changeSadat's Confidence Restored The next step is a "declaration of principles"MilestonesThe Junta Wins In A Landslide Anti-U.N. election strengthens the militaryJogger's Ills Perils on the path to fitnessWhen Communists Collide Viet Nam and Cambodia clash in a far from fraternal border conflictLettersTrouble In Las Vegas East Fear of the mob delays casino gambling in Atlantic CityParadise With Rough Edges Welcome to dropouts, bureaucrats and bone pickersPeopleJimmy's Journey: Mostly Pluses Despite gaffes, he cemented ties with India and soothed SadatDeath Of An Aged MonarchCritic In Exile A silent man no longerInside The Gotterdammerung Goebbels' diaries: mad hope amid a collapsing Third ReichTrib Redux New daily for New YorkSour NotesAmericanaAbominable Snow Suits Who is liable on the slopes?"God Sir" At Esalen East India's ex-sex guru tries instant sanyasPropping The Dollar At Last But will U.S. intervention buy anything except temporary relief?A Letter From The PublisherWaging War On Legalese Simplespeak is not so simplePassions In A Darkened MirrorLooking It UpIt's All For The Birds! Taking the annual feathery count from Nome to South AmericaIndexNow, Back To Face The Music A host of issues confront a President who has yet to get his job in focusThe Sex Pistols Are Here The pioneers of punk rock do not quite burn AtlantaFar-Out Quasars Their red shifts seem to be a reliable yardstickNew Act, Old Woes At The Fed Some tricky decisions face the incoming chairmanIs There Life In A Swingers' Club? There's nothing platonic about Plato's RetreatA Trigger To Curb Dumping If the price tag is too low, out come Treasury's hound dogs