Table of ContentsStarving the TumorBest SellersEndorsing Infanticide?CapsulesOn the RoadSkylab: The $2.5 Billion SalvageThe Glass EatersSaving the LandSoviet SetbacksStill LifeEnding the PaneCops and JobbersMaternal TriangleFinding the Perfect ProberRush for the ExitOperating at HomeThe Ways and Means of BuggingFear and Loathing in L.A.Bluebeard on the BeachNo Carrot, No StickThe Rebels: A Force of Many FacesWho's for WhomAh, Computerized WildernessArmy HusbandsRichard Nixon: The Chances of SurvivalHow Main Street Views WatergateDid President Nixon Really Know?Goldwater on Nixon's ProspectsThe Newest Daytime DramaTipsy PirandelloCoolheaded GasconBad Trip for RogersTidingsDefending NixonPeking's PiqueImpeachmentAssignment in PekingMelody for MelissaA Primer of American Carnival TalkRescuing the AutomatSchlock Rock's GodzillaZinnemann's DaySlim's Good LifeThe Carnie and the MarkDepression DioramaTesting the FloatLibya's 100-PercenterSpurning the '60sCook's Shortest TourDonors for SuitsThe Cause AgencyHarvest of WorryThe Big Back-UpBarometer Reading: Clear WeatherA Slow, Slow ThawWill Compromise Mean Coexistence?Homage to Solzhenitsyn