Table of ContentsVictory for the ScientologistsPreventive DetentionTHE RISING BATTLE OVER CIGARETTE ADVERTISINGThe Greek for Go-BetweenBeyond ExpectationsNew Scenery for the ICCA Quarrel That Endangers TradeSynergistic Scheme of ThingsDubious Achievement AwardL.B.J.'s Musings About the MediaDeath of a ConscienceFrom Beautiful Downtown NowhereHugh Hefner Faces Middle AgeHow to Attend an OpeningPerilous PilgrimageInside ManExercise of AuthorityTurning Pets into PeopleConspiracy of SilenceGetting Along with Getting UpPilgrims' RegressWaiting to Get WhiteyStop the WorldThe Psychology of CarnavalChopping a Hole in FogThe Spider and the GumdropExceeding the Speed Limit"Get Going, and Don't Come Back"Ecumenical SaintsBlacks on the GreensSOUTH VIET NAM: HUFrom C to ZPulling ApartA Speculative SilenceChallenging the U.S.Annual VibrationsMurder by the BookHighland ReconciliationMore than a Man in the DockTo Catch a ThiefENVIRONMENT: TRAGEDY IN OILPueblo and LB.J.Salazar Goes HomeToward RegionalismTHE MIDDLE EAST: COMMITMENT AND RESISTANCEThe Ronnie ShowKISSINGER: THE USES AND LIMITS OF POWERFrom Furth to the White House BasementA NEW LEADERSHIP EMERGESNixon's New Humor (Cont'd)Tales of the CraftA Past Too Terrible To Be BuriedFalse AlarmCampus Cutups of 1969Abe Lincoln in New MexicoThe $120 Million SettlementOutdoing Bonnie and ClydeThe Masters of Zig and ZagWednesday's Children