Table of ContentsSome Enchanted Evening!Even StephensThe Self-Assured ManHistory's PigeonThe World at His BedsideEv's Extendalong"Not a Usual Man"Smart MoneyHello, Saigon!Fifty-Fifty in the SouthRight & WrongBeneath the RockEpic EyefulA Follower's TributeMap of HistoryRadical ReformHooked on BooksCommunist-Capitalist PartnershipsProgress in PurgatoryAnother Kind of VoteRolls Goes ModNolo ContendereWho WonHungarian's RhapsodyScenario for InexactnessThe PilgrimSpending Abroad, Lending at HomeTransformation by RoadComing of Age on the BattlefieldThe Presidential CholecystectomyThe Head of the ClassFall of the Velvet RopeAiry LobesBirth of a SeasonMusical AnesthesiaHome, Sweet Home?What Price VictoryFlutter in Byrdland"Nobody Turn Me 'Round"The Bomb That Didn't DropMore Boon Than DoggleTHE STATE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATEMore ShootersPutting on the DogWanted: A MagicianThe Cry of the HawksRight Around the CornerThe Road to FiziMusic to Be Patriotic ByWhere They Still Walk A Mile for a CamelThe Wreck of the 5:28Farewell, Dear HeartsOdd ReconciliationOut of the Past