Table of ContentsGood HuntingTiger to TameWarsaw: Deathly StillnessOn the KisalfoldFoul BollStingersThe Road to MandalayWrong G.I.Toward Bigger GoalsTarget JapanPigboat VictoryMission to AthensThe Vatican and the Peace"Only One Thing Counts"Houses into HistoryL.G. RetiresMight-Have-BeenV-Bombs NorthFLIGHT THROUGH KWEICHOWVictory at DebrecenBig LatherSilenced ChanticleerFight Near a FortressDictator StrikesTarnished NeighborlinessCover GirlGoing Their WayThe Work of an ExpertCURRENT & CHOICEAfter Byrnes, Baseball?Experimentalists' YearFight at Jackson HoleThe Time Has ComeConscience and CasualtiesRaid and RallyOPA's SurpriseSenatorial InvestigationThe Army's Here AgainThe ShapeSetbackThe Right Mr. WhiteEscape in ArizonaGyp TrippersNo ConfederationHomecomingLady Robin HoodEstimate of the Situation"The Hole in the Doughnut"Blunted SpearKing's MoneyGreat Minor PoetWhat a Country!Non-Stop AdventureCatholics & Suicide"In Our Homeland"Startling StatisticsThe Moral IssueAnnouncer's ExitHints about HorrorBonuses and BubblesMixed GuessesSmittyCow and BayonetsFive-Star PentagonOpen for BusinessKing's MightBlack-MarketeersNo CowardsThe DestroyersGimbel Moves UpNew Play in ManhattanNew Musicals in ManhattanNew Monkeyshines in ManhattanInventions of the MonthBeginnings of the MindCaddy CultureHopes & FearsOrnithosisPrepaid PackagesThe British Carry OnHearst NonsentencePollster's XWar & PeaceTransmitter Myers