Table of ContentsHigh Jinks in CubaStrait JacketAt LastWorkers Help ManagementBull Market?Slight ProgressGive Them An E Flag, TooGreat Day ComingNegro PublishersWhat They Did with the Money"Comfortably Fixed"Tax BiteGas From CoalNew Musical in ManhattanArms and the BardBack from the AxisNew Planet?The Case of Corporal BarrowOld Stone FacesHot-Metal GunKing's WayOn the Way toHorses & BucksSub KillersFine FettleProgram Without PeakEnd of Harching?The Absolute Ceiling?Short Cut to LiteracyC'est La GuerreMen Over 35CURRENT & CHOICEFor RebindingTry at TragedyInquest on DemocracyTruckman's DreamDetroit at WarThe Gissimo's Good CheerA.V.G. to U.S.A.Look out for GasArchangel AgainOne Year OldBottom BlowsMore to ComeFour Flags TogetherWartime SkylinePatternsChildren at WorkThe Face of VictoryUntil They Cry "Enough"These Men are so GoodA Dull Sort of RaidS.O.S.Peace, It's WonderfulSnafuRumbles in Puerto RicoNew WorriesBennett & BennetDriven to DrinkBoy Scouts at WarWill's Boy BillFirst Lady Slows DownThe Power & the GriefEnd of CCCStassen's Seven PointsThe New PicturesSoldiers' SongCatholics v. NazisThe New IlliteratesRace Rule ErasedTootless DaysJune RecordsSwing to N.B.C."We Need No Goebbels"GreenglowThe Tokio KidJoint Action in BritainBaptists in RussiaMorgan v. MutualCatholics v. WAACsUncle Tim's Last Broadcast"A Lamentable Error"Death in the Rue VivienneNight of DiscordPioneers in PoisonChief of ProtocolPir's HursPity the VicarRight BowerThe Duke Gets a SampleRenner's BalloonUnwelcome SurpriseNot Good EnoughBurning IssueTime Marches Back