Table of ContentsHoldup Men of LaborHollywood in WashingtonShell GameFirst Native White"Unto My Beloved Son . . .""You Shall Go No Further"Training FilmsAnother Patty Berg?Calotypist HillArt over the CounterPotato SpreeJames Joyce v. WhittierArt Rubloff Rides AgainFacts at LastFortitudeBertieHealth in CampSeries of SeriesCURRENT & CHOICE"War to the Finish"New PictureNew Price PolicyFor Ladies OnlyWar Bab'esIsland EditorAmericanization of Mr. PopeMorgenthau & MarketsAssault on ChicagoPriorities Week"We Want Tugwell"Baby StepsHertz to MTDRoper on CBSMore Arms in the FRB IndexNew Play in ManhattanNew ModelsTelephone SubscriptionNoah's ArkCzech's AnniversarySex in the CalabozoCatholics in the SouthTravel MusicHollywood Dollar-DolorsStokowski for ToscaniniArtie Shaw on TourBig Three's Two-ThirdsSecond Flying ElephantPorchPotbellyacherTwinkle, TwinkleThe Infant Science of Old AgeWebfooted NameMonster v. PowerWinston and the BearThird TermDiplomat's TroublesImpenetrable SwampHouseclecmingTHERE WILL BE CASUALTIESPrivate Bushface Goes to TownThe Battle of RiceChen's HeadBlack Clouds, Black SeaPresident, Pope & PeaceBoots for the ScotsmanNot for DanzigHonorable Fire ExtinguisherNorway Starts SomethingTwo SiegesPeril in the SouthCenter ChargeSpitsbergen PartyShortcut CutBack Talk1 ,000,000 BombsBRITISH TANKS AFTER A SCRIMMAGE"Little Unprintable Strike"Britain Makes a PledgeThe World of William SeboldS.S. NEVERMOREJew-BaitingMan of SteelNapoleon to HitlerARPachyderms