Table of Contents
Table of ContentsSon of ScotlandChildren's TabloidAmerica's Northeastern FrontierGreat BloodPolio ScareSpitterWho WonDiplomats on the MoveKidnapper Foiled?Mr. Lin Learns About LifeWar on CiviliansDorothys, HyderabadsTales of HeroismDavid and JockThe New PicturesEditors' Line-UpDuke at LargeGazetted OutEnd of a DynastyUlrich alias AdolfLife in the ShadowThe Fall of a TreeOl' Man RiverFun on the RoadRehearsalLights of the New WorldShot & ShellDead CentreDeath of a RevolutionaryMendelssohn v. SousoWar of SterlingJack the Jargon KillerRazors in the AirLiebestodVisiting EnglishmanReceiving LineGibson v. DillWhat Business Executives ThinkThe EffigyLittle Man's BurdenHopkins OutRecent & ReadableD'Arcy and FannieIntellectuals, ArisePrelude to Dictatorship?No Agents Need ApplyEngineer of SoulsHow Evacuation MiscarriedRape of a CampusLearning to WorkNew Line-UpThe Founder ComplainsCatherine Evans1 BedspreadsThou Art the Man!Economy WeekThe City v. The StreetThe Nominee Keeps GoingTwo Days Less to RioThe Tough BossCBS on an IslandSummer FlashLondon After DarkPortuguese PrimitivesDiamonds for SaleSeptember RecordsMedical DetectiveJelly for NervesPrelate's PlanOne Religion for AllIckes in the GrooveDouble SneezersKitchen PhysicsOomph For Science
Sept. 2, 1940, No. 101940-09-021940-09-02
Page 73
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