Courtesy Melissa Etheridge

It’s momma. I want to take time, this Mother’s Day, to tell you how much gratitude I have for you. ‘Cause you know what, I didn’t expect to be a mom. But being a mom was not what I expected.

It has been the most rewarding thing I have done in my life, to watch you four come into this world and grow and grow and learn and love and share this life with me. It has been one of my greatest, greatest joys. I’m so proud of the force with which each of you live your lives. You are meeting life head on, on your own terms, and I just wouldn’t have it any other way.

Of course, as I write this, I’m on the road. I’m doing what I love, and if there’s anything I can give you in this life, it’s the desire to do what you love, to go out there in the world and live life to the fullest. I hope you see that the only thing that would take me away from you is what I love to do. I hope you find that sort of joy in your work, too.

I will be home this Mother’s Day, so I am expecting lots of hugs and kisses. Happy Mother’s Day from a very grateful mother.

Etheridge is a Grammy-winning singer-songwriter

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