Iraq’s new hope
Last summer, Iraq faced an uncertain and frightening future. Threatened by ruthless and senseless terrorism, the country was in desperate need of a leader to unite its divided communities. And it found one.
In just seven months Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has put in place a genuinely inclusive government, filled all Cabinet positions for the first time in six years and shown his deep commitment to fighting ISIL [or ISIS] and building a stronger, more united Iraq.
He is a driven, charismatic and pragmatic man, a Baghdad-trained engineer with a doctorate earned in Manchester, England. This has shone through in the ambitious work his government is pursuing. Great progress has already been made to repair regional relations, tackle corruption and instigate political, security and economic reform. He has one of the world’s most challenging roles. He is the right man for it.
Cameron is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom