Table of Contents
Table of ContentsTHAT WILD OLD WOMAN Pauline Kael has led a war on bad films, raised mere movie reviewing to the level of criticism and given everybody fitsTHE UNFROZEN NORTH Canada has long offered cut-rate locations for U.S. producers; now more Canadian shows are crossing the border as wellBESUBORU LIKE IT OUGHTA BE Japanese (and deprived American) fans were transfixed as the Yomiuri Giants met the Seibu Lions in the seven-game 1994 Japan Series. HOME FRONT In The War, a vet's kids replay Vietnam in GeorgiaKIND OF BLUES Hootie & the Blowfish make a stirring, soulful debutVOX POP TO STEM THE FLOW OF ILLEGAL SIBERIAN IMMIGRANTS? MADONNA GOES PG-13 The queen of sexual shock releases a restrained album that is an engaging, gently funky survey of contemporary R. and B.Jackpot! TAKE THESE BOOKS, PLEASE First they got their own hit TV shows. Now stand-up comics like Tim Allen and Paul Reiser are writing best sellers tooHEALTH REPORT Solo Burt Goes BustSINGING TO A SILENT HARP Dolores O'Riordan, Sinead O'Connor and Katell Keineg carry on the great Irish tradition of glorious voicesWASHINGTOONDISPATCHES LITTLE MUSEUM OF HORRORSSEEN & HEARDFrom the Archives Tomorrow Was Another DayMr. Coming-Of-Age -- Still10 MOST SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN FUND RAISERS: HELP FROM A SILENT PARTNERROMANCING THE THUGSBRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE G.O.P. guerrilla Newt Gingrich rides a surge of voter anger, but where does he want to go with it?The Cycles of Power Follow the Money More often than not, it's what's in the campaign coffers that determines who goes to Washington. Here are the main contenders from your district for seats in the 104th Congress, along with how much cash they've raised and how much of thatTHE HARD WAY OUT Impatient for freedom, more and more North Koreans are risking their lives to cross the cold war's last frontierAMBER TSUNAMIS OF GRAIN A year after rains swamped fields, the U.S. reaps its biggest harvestTIME contents page NOVEMBER 7, 1994 -- VOL. 144, NO. 19 TIME masthead NOVEMBER 7, 1994 -- VOL. 144, NO. 19 COMPUTER DATING To break out of its narrow niche, Apple contemplates a historic alliance with IBMSEX IN AMERICA GETTING IN THE WAY OF GOOD POLICY A U.S. drug enforcer in Burma sues his colleagues for scuttling his best efforts to curb traffickingHaiti: What's Right? COLLUSION WITH KILLERS The aid effort is bringing relief to refugees, but the real beneficiaries are the instigators of Rwanda's genocideA Man of Duty SORRY, STILL NO SALE In his first venture into personal peacemaking, Clinton goes head to head with Assad and comes away without any visible signs of diplomatic progressTHE DEADLY RULES OF THE HUNT To quell Hamas terror, Israel orders harsh interrogations and threatens to shoot to killSWEET, SWEET SURRENDER A Cali cartel chief proposes to give up under conditions so lenient that they may strain U.S.-Colombian relationsTHE SILLIEST RACE OF THE SEASONTHE PRICE OF PORK Foley brings home the bacon, but voters wonder which Washington he really representsTHE POLITICAL INTEREST CLINTON'S IDENTITY CRISISLESSONS IN LESSNESSHOLDOUT OF THE WEEK BORIS KARLOFF, WHERE ARE YOU? The latest version of Frankenstein is overblown and unscaryTHE WEEK October 23-29THE RIVERS RAN BLACK A huge oil spill fouls Russia's far north, raising specters of Alaska's Exxon Valdez disasterA SUNNY FORECAST Always cleaner than fossil fuels, renewable power sources may soon be just as cheapINSIDE CYBERSPACE Caught in a Web of Their Own Device (MORE) SECRETS OF HIGHLY PAID CAMPAIGN CONSULTANTS REVEALED! It's not hard to figure out what candidates are being told to say this fall: OOPS ... WRONG ANSWER Data from the Hubble telescope on the universe's age call physicists' cherished theories into questionWINNERS & LOSERS MADNESS IN FINE PRINT Using mentally ill subjects for psychiatric experiments too often means extracting and relying on their ill-informed consentThe CIA Under Scrutiny Not a Current Affair HISTORY, THE SEQUEL A controversial new set of recommendations generates a debate on what's important about America's pastCorrection Banana Split BATTLING FOR A SLICE OF THIN AIR Giant firms are racing toward wireless -- but wireless what, exactly?DO ABORTIONS RAISE THE RISK OF BREAST CANCER? A report making that claim becomes a weapon in the war between right-to-lifers and pro-choice activistsREFLECTING ON NAMES WHERE'S GARZARELLI GOING? In a cost-cutting move, Lehman Bros. ousts its most celebrated investment analyst
Nov. 7, 19941994-11-071994-11-07
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