Table of Contents
Table of ContentsTHE DESERT TEEMS WITH ALUMINUM BIRDSHOW GRAY IS MY VALLEY The land of high tech suffers a wrenching mid-life crisisHOW L.A. CAPTURED PRIME TIME . . . and turned it into a platform for California's seductive themesFORWARD SPINJOHN SUNUNU MADE ME DO ITCLOSE-UP: TWO BOOM TOWNS FRESNO THE LAST REAL CALIFORNIACLOSE-UP: TWO BOOM TOWNS MORENO VALLEY HOME OF THE Y-CHOPLET'S JUST CHOP OFF THOSE CITIESGOBBLING UP THE LAND Making room for a stream of new arrivals has pushed nature to the wallGANG MEMBERS TAKE TO THE SEABATTLING L.A.'S SMOGTHE GUV'S PRESIDENTIAL HOPES HURT HIM AT HOMEPURSUIT OF PERFECTIONHEALTH ''It Can Happen to Anybody. Even Magic Johnson.'' After testing positive for HIV, basketball's most beloved star retires and vows to become a spokesman in the battle against AIDSBRITAIN Death of A Tycoon The sudden demise of Robert Maxwell clouds the future of the troubled empire he leaves behind. Can his sons hold it together?ELECTION NOTES BALLOT ISSUES The Presidency A Gathering of EaglesSPICY BLEND OF EAST AND WEST Pacific Rim cooking is the latest gourmet buzzELECTION NOTES Salt Lake City Breaks Several Barriers FROM KILLING FIELDS TO MEAN STREETS The street-gang virus is now infecting Cambodian refugeesELECTION NOTES A Tax Backlash Jolts Jersey Legislators ELECTIONS Wake-Up Call A Democratic upset in Pennsylvania and a nationwide revolt against incumbents send Bush a message: 1992 may not be so easyHOT HOUSE OF CHAMPIONS Climate, cash and culture give California athletes a winning edgeELECTION NOTES Houston Ousts A Five-Term Incumbent IS IT REALLY THAT WACKY? A flaky image hides a deeper truth: bright sunshine casts dark shadowsELECTION NOTES An Old Card Trumps the New Politics CALIFORNIA SCHEMIN' A trove of electoral votes helps Bush forget his dislike of the Golden StateOil-Drilling Concession ''THERE IS A LIMIT TO WHAT WE CAN ABSORB'' Governor PETE WILSON warns that California is confronting a painful choice: be less generous to newcomers or be buried by relentless growthMass Murder at Luby's VIEWPOINT: BAD NEWS FOR BLACKSThose Hearings (Contd.) SHADES OF DIFFERENCE Immigrants are building an ethnic mosaic, but the pieces don't quite fit togetherOLLIE NORTH'S STORY SPECIAL ISSUE IT IS STILL AMERICA'S PROMISED LAND -- A PLACE OF HEARTSTOPPING BEAUTY, SPECTACULAR ENERGY AND STUNNING DIVERSITY. BUT FACED WITH DROUGHT, MINDLESS GROWTH AND A SPUTTERING ECONOMY, CAN IT PRESERVE THE DREATIME magazine masthead Vol. 138 No. 20 NOVEMBER 18, 1991 THE PHILIPPINES The War of the Widows Cory Aquino lets Imelda Marcos come home to stand trial, but she is looking for political -- not judicial -- vindicationTIME magazine contents page Vol. 138 No. 20 NOVEMBER 18, 1991 VIEWPOINT: WHY THE SMILES ARE GONETHE ENDANGERED DREAM The land of golden opportunity is becoming a land of broken promisesGALAXY OF RISING STARS A multicultural crop of trendmakers sets the pace in politics, science and art Young Old Master GALAXY OF RISING STARS A multicultural crop of trendmakers sets the pace in politics, science and art Voyaging To The Far Side THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATE North to South: ''Oh, stop whining!''THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATE South to North: ''You're just plain tacky!''Move Over, Ann, Randall's the New Champ GALAXY OF RISING STARS A multicultural crop of trendmakers sets the pace in politics, science and art Transit Gloria Correction GALAXY OF RISING STARS A multicultural crop of trendmakers sets the pace in politics, science and art Doing Well By Feeling Good Adopting Abroad GALAXY OF RISING STARS A multicultural crop of trendmakers sets the pace in politics, science and art Man Of The Golden West GALAXY OF RISING STARS A multicultural crop of trendmakers sets the pace in politics, science and art The Voice Of Gay Rights Lionizing Morrison
Nov. 18, 19911991-11-181991-11-18
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