Table of Contents
Table of ContentsCars You Can Park Anywhere The Latest on Madonna SOVIET UNION Good News, Bad Times Gorbachev seeks an economic truce with his restive republics, hoping to ease the country's tensionsFighting for Yosemite's Future A Japanese takeover of the park's concessions stirs a debate over who should reap profits from America's natural treasuresCorrection AUSTRALIA Slaughter Down Under A nation that relies on the land for its vital exports staggers in the face of one of the century's worst agricultural slumpsTERRORISM The Life and Crimes of a Middle East Terrorist In an exclusive report, TIME traces the connection between Iraq and a top operative for a shadowy Palestinian groupCanada's Contribution Black, White and Green All Over A freshet of ecopublishers reaches out to the mainstreamIS KUWAIT WORTH DYING FOR? ISRAEL A Tide of Hope As 1 million Soviet Jews head for their new homeland, they fulfill a Zionist dream but promise to transform the nationTIME magazine contents page Vol. 137, No. 2 JANUARY 14, 1991 SOMALIA A Very Private War With the world otherwise occupied, rebel armies seize the capital, at least 500 die, and the country sinks into anarchyALBANIA Climbing Out of the Cage As the communist regime confronts demands for change, ethnic Greeks flee to their motherland -- and a less than rousing welcomeAmerican Notes THE NAVY Just Bill The Taxpayer Business Notes ANTITRUST Formula for Controversy American Notes INVESTIGATIONS No Cause For Pride Old Paradigm, New ParadigmBusiness Notes ADVERTISING How Dull Can You Be? American Notes CALIFORNIA Concealed Weapons American Notes JUSTICE Bars and Stripes Forever Discs, DAT and D'other Things Digital audiotape breaks out into the home-entertainment marketplaceFencing In the Messengers The U.S. press and the Pentagon square off over unprecedented limits on news coverage of a potential gulf battlefieldBusiness Notes LABOR Even Captains Get the Flu This Land Is Their Land After a century of struggle, Native Americans are retrieving their rights and their heritage to preserve an ancient culture from extinctionBusiness Notes REAL ESTATE This Meal Has Nine Courses Business Notes BENEFITS Too Slick with The Pink Slips American Notes AVIATION Did She Die on Nikumaroro? Would It Fool the Family Cat? The networks learn from their mistakes, and learn, and learn . . .Rising -- but Still Muted -- Dissent On the Fence The President says he can take America to war without asking Congress. The lawmakers disagree -- but most would rather not take a public stand at all.Hide and SeekThe Old Man and the SeaBurning BrightLast Chance To Talk The U.S. and Iraq finally agree to meet -- but peace remains elusiveIce CubesOh, Oh, CanadaThe GovfatherSHOP TILL YOU DROP CITATIONMoney Angles Do Yourself a Favor!They're Off And Kicking The race for a famed track pits stars against tycoons THE ENOUGH ALREADY ADVISORYHasn't He Been Here Before? Once again, a Neil Bush company is ensnared in a bailout, and a probe is under way into the propriety of his financingOuster of an ''Anti-Judaist'' Scandal engulfs the chief Dead Sea Scrolls editor FOOTNOTES FROM THE FRONT An up-to-the-minute briefing on the Persian Gulf crisisPillars of Sand The recession is putting banks through their worst trauma since the 1930s; the crisis could finally force Washington to overhaul the U.S. financial systemBang! A Big Theory May Be Shot A new study of the stars could rewrite the history of the universeTHE WEIRD SCIENCE PRIZEBreathe Easy, Nuke WorkersCOVER STORIES A Puzzling Plague What is it about the American way of life that causes breast cancer?World Notes EL SALVADOR Who Killed the Copter Crew? Return of the Truth SeekerWorld Notes FRANCE Tempest in a Chapeau THE NO SUGAR COATING PRESCRIPTIONWorld Notes ARGENTINA No Peace in The Dirty War The Rough Road to Recovery Options for therapy have multiplied, but making the right choices can be daunting for both doctors and patientsTantalizing Clues to a Lethal Legacy Research into the genetic factors is raising hopes of better screening and treatmentDaddy DearestTIME magazine masthead Vol. 137, No. 2 JANUARY 14, 1991 Restoring Lost Curves and Confidence A Meteor That Didn't Burn Out The precocious Van Dyck chased the Tudor stiffness out of English paintingThere Is Nothing Like This DameThe G.O.P. Looks WestWorld Notes CANADA Sorely Taxing The Consumer Shevardnadze's Final FavorWhen the Doctor Gets Infected Medical workers who harbor the AIDS virus may face new rules
Jan. 14, 19911991-01-141991-01-14
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