Table of Contents
Table of ContentsBusiness Notes COMIC BOOKS Swamp Thing's Quagmire COVER STORY Why Pick on Pete? Charlie Hustle has become the symbol of America's tolerance of gambling -- and the cost of an obsessionBusiness Notes NOSTALGIA Quick, Name That Jingle! Divinely DashingDeep FreezeBusiness Notes CORPORATE MOVES Bright Lights, Big Exodus The States Like the OddsGood Enough to RapThe Eyes Gotta Have It A hip Los Angeles company, Oliver Peoples, smartens up specsLiving Life by the NumbersWhat Price Old Glory? To protect the flag, Bush calls for an amendment Tokyo Answers the Call Facing U.S. sanctions, Japan opens its mobile-phone market Radio DaysT. Boone's Tokyo Campaign The Texas tycoon is rebuffed but scores points back homeA Raider's Days Of Reckoning Nearly everybody wants a crack at Paul Bilzerian The Presidency Hitting the Right ChordsStill at Loggerheads Oregon's lumberjacks vs. tree huggers Heading for D-Day in Delaware A judge will soon decide whether Time Inc. is up for saleGrapevine Whose Mess Is It? In the gooey aftermath of three spills, Congress is putting pressure on Big Oil to prevent accidents and do a better job of cleaning them upGrapevine World Notes GREECE Three Months And Counting World Notes SOUTH AFRICA New Chapter, Old Verse Grapevine Grapevine A Grand Folly in Ottawa Canada's newest museum is costly, controversial and curiousWorld Notes SOVIET UNION That Rejected Feeling World Notes MEXICO The Plot Thickens Grapevine Whole Lotta Irony Goin' OnWorld Notes THE PHILIPPINES Slaughter in The Chapel The Moscow Bug Hunt After a two-year investigation, U.S. security experts are convinced that Marine guards did not let Soviet spies put taps in the embassyEASTERN EUROPE A Freer, but Messier, Order In Poland and Hungary, George Bush will confront Communism in fluxBattling the Myths and DogmaBorn WitnessSOVIET UNION The Odd Case of M. Orlov A defector who dies in Moscow turns out to be a spy HIGH SEAS Danger! Soviet Subs at Work Why Moscow's underwater fleet is so prone to disasterTIME Magazine masthead Vol. 134 No. 2 JULY 10, 1989 Laser Instinct TIME Magazine contents page Vol. 134 No. 2 JULY 10, 1989 Atwater's Smear Is the Gay Revolution a Flop? A new book urges homosexuals to tone down and blend inJAPAN An Affair to Remember In the wake of a scandal, Prime Minister Uno runs scaredSUDAN An Early-Morning Coup Officers topple the unpopular civilian Prime Minister Black Catholics vs. the Church Disputes in two U.S. cities dramatize a widening riftREVOLT AGAINST COMMUNISM Wildmon vs. the Networks Wanderer Of Endless Curiosity A self-made man of many parts, the Trinidad-born and Oxford-bred writer V.S. NAIPAUL mirrors a world in constant social fluxA Call to Arms Violent Youths CUBA Reading the Coca Leaves A drug case ensnares top officials and raises questions about what Castro is up toDrugs from the Underground AIDS patients are demanding -- and getting -- unproven potionsHero of the Year CHINA Rise of a Perfect Apparatchik Deng asserts his authority with a surprise party appointmentPutting the Heat on Japan Accused of ravaging the world's forests and seas, Tokyo starts to clean up its actHis Last CaseAmerican Notes NEW MEXICO Banning a BATmobile Myanmese, If You Please Is It Right to Publish Rumors? In an age of dirty politics, alas, mudslinging is part of the storyWalking on the Wild SideEast St. Louis Blues Independent Episcopalians American Notes WASHINGTON Doing Time for No Crime Business Notes INVESTMENT GAP Running Up a Global Tab American Notes ACADEME Old Bones, New Fight Pennington, New Jersey Sweating And Sharing For some women, aerobics provides more than a workoutBusiness Notes THE ECONOMY Headed for a Hard Landing? Bad News for Death Row The court okays the execution of teenage and retarded criminalsAmerican Notes TEXAS ''Please Don't Die, Tree'' Rallying for Rock
July 10, 19891989-07-101989-07-10
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