Table of Contents
Table of ContentsAmerican Notes WOMEN Stretching Their Options COVER STORY How the War Was WonTIME Magazine Contents Page JANUARY 26, 1987 Vol. 129 No. 4 American Notes RAILROADS ''Human Performance'' Your Money or His Life Oral Roberts delivers an ultimatum to bolster his sagging empireAmerican Notes PUERTO RICO Murder, 96 Counts COVER STORIES My Brilliant Career Cory's Year Toll-Free Woes Clogging Jerry's phones Idylls of a Somnipractor REAGAN'S AMERICA: INNOCENTS AT HOME by Garry Wills; Doubleday; 472 pages; $19.95THE GULF Iran Strikes on Two Fronts The long-expected ''final offensive'' may be on the way at lastCHINA Deng Cracks Down A month of student demonstrations leads to a party shake-upBad News About Math Compared with other students, Americans are at sea with numbersGetting an F for Flabby U.S. youth comes up short on endurance, strength and flexibilityAmerican Notes THE FIRST FAMILY Daddy Dearest Iranian Denial WEST GERMANY Candidate for a Confident Time The Kohl government is heavily favored as voters go to the pollsEveryone's Genealogical Mother Biologists speculate that ''Eve'' lived in sub-Saharan AfricaFledermaus Fans Dragster in the Danger Zone Dennis Conner leads the Kiwis in the challenge for the CupWith Bold Pen and Fork A golden anniversary for America's doyenne of food writersSOUTH AFRICA The War of Blacks Against Blacks Bloody battles for political control torment the townshipsElway and the Giant Way An old franchise and a young quarterback come of age at XXITERRORISM Wanted for Murder and Air Piracy Frankfurt police arrest a suspect in the 1985 TWA hijackingDNA Prints A foolproof crime test Banning Boz Something to Embarrass Everyone THE MORNING PROGRAM CBS; Weekdays, 7:30-9 a.m. ESTEmotional Stability The Talk of the Town Amid tremors of staff protest, The New Yorker gets a new editorRunners-Up World Notes AFGHANISTAN A Troubled Truce Begins Past Year in Pictures SCANDALS Iranscam Couldn't Happen There Europeans wonder what all the fuss is about EUROPE Waiting Out the Big Chill A winter blitz brings a brutal dose of death and disruptionCoverage for Catastrophe World Notes DIPLOMACY Trying to Get Respect Garland's Bouquet A landmark Supreme Court ruling supports pregnancy leaveIs He More Out of Touch Than Ever? The old issue of Reagan's detachment is again a sensitive topicWorld Notes ECUADOR ''Loco'' Has His Way In Idaho: A Killer Becomes a Mythic HeroWorld Notes LEBANON Another Day, A New Hostage World Notes ARMS DEALERS Goodbye to All That A Game of Chicken The U.S. pushes down the dollar, but will that help the trade deficit?Take the Money And Run Congress blushes at a pay hikeIn Tip-Top Shape Tussle over High Technology A major study attacks U.S. export restrictionsDanger in the Clean Room The Presidency Toting a New Magic WandSemper Fie A Marine is arrested for spying Look Out for the Spanish Bulls Madrid has suddenly become a magnet for foreign investmentWhere Is the Real George Bush? The Vice President must now step out from Reagan's shadowBusiness Notes TAXES Finding Fault With Form W-4 Raising the $3.35 Minimum Many see it as ''chump change''Business Notes DEALS Big Steel for Small Change Business Notes AUTOS A Shifty Audi Gets a Recall Between Friends Mayor Koch and Queen BessBusiness Notes GOVERNMENT Balancing Act At the Fed American Notes NEBRASKA ''Irresponsible And Childish'' Business Notes TECHNOLOGY Have Copier, Will Travel A Tragic Repeat Two planes collide over UtahCOVER STORY Platoon Viet Nam, the way it really was, on film
Jan. 26, 19871987-01-261987-01-26
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