Table of Contents
Table of ContentsSOUTH AFRICAN PULLOUT SENSUALITY AND ICE MAGIC Olympic Stars Torvill and Dean begin a 60-city U.S. tourCOVER STORY HOW THE PUBLIC FEELS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: A RARE SPANCOVER STORY SEX AND SCHOOLS AIDS and the Surgeon General add a new urgency to an old debateVIRAL ENEMIES NICARAGUAN OPINION WORLD NOTES ISRAEL MYSTERY OF THE VANISHING MAN WORLD NOTES DIPLOMACY A HARD-NOSE GETS SNUBBED WORLD NOTES FRANCE PINING AWAY FOR PAST GLORY BERLIN GRAFFITI PRIZEWORTHY WINNERS WORLD NOTES HAITI SEASON OF DISCONTENT PEPPERS FROM HEAVEN A retrospective commemorates Edward Weston's fabled careerA THEORY WITH STRINGS ATTACHED Scientists explain why the universe is full of holesWORLD NOTES DRUGS CALLING ALL MONGOOSES MEN HAVE RIGHTS TOO A convention of fathers calls for divorce and custody reformsSOVIET UNION PRESENT AT THE CREATION Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov: 1890-1986MEESE AND THE COURT A LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHERPERU ''THERE WAS A TRIUMPH HERE'' Alan Garcia pulls off an impressive party election sweepPROTECTING A ROYAL REFUGE Mexico tries to save the monarch butterfly's winter hideoutTELL IT TO THE JUDGES Oyez! Oyez! Daytime TV fills up its courtroom docketTHAT SINKING FEELING I COOK, THEREFORE I AM New cookbooks spiced and spiked with authors' personalitiesIRAQ NOISY THREATS, SILENT GUNS The war drags on without any sign of an Iranian offensiveAPOCALYPSE SOON GOLDEN DAYS by Carolyn See McGraw Hill; 196 pages; $15.95NICARAGUA THE SANDINISTA WAY OF JUSTICE A Managua court finds Hasenfus guilty as chargedAMERICAN NOTES ANNIVERSARIES A MODEST BRIDGE PARTY A VISITOR FROM TAIWAN Flu season begins with the last-minute appearance of a new virus''UNRESERVEDLY'' LOYAL TO THE POPE U.S. bishops reluctantly back Rome against a liberal colleagueTHE PHILIPPINES FIGHTING BACK Aquino takes a tougher line with critics amid continued coup rumorsEND-OF-THE- WORLD BLUES THE SACRIFICE Directed and Written by Andrei TarkovskyMOUSEL TOV! AN AMERICAN TAIL Directed by Don Bluth; Screenplay by Judy Freudberg and Tony GeissHEART TROUBLE SOUL MAN Directed by Steve Miner Screenplay by Carol BlackENVIRONMENT A PROUD RIVER RUNS RED The watch on the Rhine is for pollutionAMERICAN NOTES LAWSUITS SQUEEZING THE KREMLIN THE TOO PERSONAL PRESIDENCYAMERICAN NOTES GEMS FROM ROCKS TO RICHES AMERICAN NOTES THE SENATE CLOAKROOM POWER THE FALL OF A WALL STREET SUPERSTAR Ivan Boesky pays $100 million to settle the biggest insider-trading case everDOWN AND OUT AND DISPOSSESSED Many of the newly homeless include families and the youngCHRYSLER THINKING FAST AND MAKING MOVES Smart marketing along with lean operations keeps profits flowing FORD SLIMMED WAY DOWN AND STYLED UP A long-shot gamble on new designs pays off in the Taurus and Sable THE PENTAGON GOES HOLLYWOOD Filmmakers and the military enjoy a profitable partnershipAMERICAN NOTES SEAT BELTS FREEDOM OF CHOICE GENERAL MOTORS A GIANT STALLS, THEN REVS ITS ENGINES Plant closings and fresh models help to restore momentumTIME MAGAZINE MASTHEAD NOVEMBER 24, 1986 VOL. 128 NO. 21 COVER STORY HOW MUCH DO THEY KNOW? UNRAVELING FIASCO His credibility under fire, Reagan admits sending arms to IranTHE PRESIDENCY AN END TO IDEOLOGYSPECIAL REPORT ON THE AUTO INDUSTRY THE BIG THREE GET IN GEAR Detroit battles imports amid a growing car glut
Nov. 24, 19861986-11-241986-11-24
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