Table of ContentsThe Dictator's New Clothes Pinochet's constitution wins big, but starts smallA New Air War Pancho Lorenzo flies highA New Party Boss Takes Charge As a few strikes persist and workers launch free unionsGeneral Motors Changes Drivers New leaders as the auto giant faces troubled timesNuclear Explosion In ChicagoRise Of A Model Bureaucrat Zhao's tough job is to prove "the superiority of socialism"Body Of ChristFood Prices Take Off Again The summer drought leaves grocery bills soaring and consumers moaningNo Progress Without Pain M.I.T.'s Lester Thurow offers some hard economic choicesTrouble In Workers' Paradises Some cases of employee capitalism turn into ESOP fablesAtom Advocates U.S. policy draws heavy fireA Letter From The PublisherLettersIndexThe Poisoning Of America Belatedly, the campaign begins to control hazardous chemical wastesTwo For The Show The President insists that three's a crowd in the first debateMilestonesShaping Up The Blurry Eye A boom in operations to change corneal curvatureTeaching Old Togs New Tricks They put limbs in limbo, but jumpsuits are dressier than everNuclear Test The Administration losesThe Senate: A Thoroughbred StumblesConservative Conservatism Reagan's economic package is toned down to add upFun On The Sawdust TrailDrugs And Death On The High Seas A Bahamian triangle of smugglers and unwary skippersPeopleThe House: Two Veterans Find Trouble Back HomeAlmost Everyone Vs. Zbig But the National Security Adviser hangs toughAll That And Billy Graham Too At Wheaton College, a rare blend of brainpower and pietyIn Delaware: Traffic Takes Its TollDecoding The Volcano's Message At Mount St. Helens: T Shirts, bumper crops and suspenseMale Dominance Revisited Old evolutionary struggles still shape us, says a new bookTravels With Charlie TV's wandering minstrel finally comes to anchorThe Nightmare And The Dream Loon Lake By E.l. Doctorow: Random House; 258 Pages; $11.95Prisoner Of Love A bishop is "kidnaped"Memento MoriHasty Marriage Across The Sea Libya and Syria agree to tie the knot in the latest merger tryThe Generals Take Over Again A rising tide of political violence spurs a reluctant coupPreserving The Oil Flow The U.S. seeks to shore up security in the Persian GulfProfiling The Gulf States Vast riches and growing pains for the Arab sheikdoms