Table of Contents
Table of ContentsOn The Road Expense account livingOil-Tank Glow Synfuel project sabotagedThe Bad News Gets Worse Business tumbles, the political fallout hits and tax cut talk beginsHelp! Teacher Can't Teach! The multifaceted crisis of America's public schoolsIndexLettersCorrupt Cadres Peking's new war on crimeA Letter From The PublisherMilestonesThe Perpetual Miracle Of Smokey A soul master eases through 40 with old gifts and new hitsBodysurfersTerrorist Tip A suspect's story rocks RomeCoup In Paradise Takeover by bow and arrowRecessionalFanatic Fringe Zealous nationalism stirs strifeCarnival KnowledgeBaiting The U.S. With American helpHard TravelingRecession: Long And Deep The sharp slump will be followed by an anemic recovery"Two Teeth For A Tooth!" Arab mayors are maimed as West Bank violence takes a grisly turnMagna Charter The troika conglomerateAn Interview With Begin As feisty as ever, the Prime Minister seems to thrive on crisisThe Most Exciting Game The Search for Solutions, PBS, starts June 10, 9 p.m. E.D.T.Cash And Carry A comeback for greenbacksMacho Glop Men face up to wrinklesThe Human Need To Break RecordsUpset Win For An Unknown Colt In the Belmont, Temperence Hill spoils a showdownVolts Wagon Does It, Again Electric cars look sharp, run cheap, but will they sell?Democratie In The Newsroom The staff of Le Monde elects a new directeurPeopleIn Virginia: Tears And MacArthichokes"The Fox Is On The Run" Nobody notices as a killer disappears into thin airJordan Riddle Investigators are baffled by black leader's shootingImpatient For Freedom Refugees on the rampageSt. Urbain Street Revisited"I Feel So Helpless, So Hopeless" Resentment is building in the nation's black urban ghettosTsarina Of Total Immersion A show of Louise Nevelson "environments" in Manhattan"New Nostalgia" Vance offers a warning"Yahoo!" Congress bars a gas taxLosing The Inner InstinctsRevolt R.I.P.? This time Jarvis failsCalifornia Scam Illegal pyramid clubs flourishAll In The Family It needs help, but what kind?"I'm Kind Of Moderate" Reagan gets a sunny welcome from an old opponentWhite House Face-Off Jimmy says the race is over. No, it is not, says Teddy
June 16, 1980, Vol. 115, No. 241980-06-161980-06-16
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