Table of ContentsThe Neighborhood Of Fear Carter orders a further evacuation from polluted Love CanalIndexHeir Apparent? A jolly giant comes to CBSTop-Dollar Jobs Executive pay and perksDetroit Hits A Roadblock Automen and consumers share the onus for a lack of small carsSynfuel Success Thumbs up for ersatz oilVerdi Would Be Cheering A.B.T. stages an exotic, full-length La BayadereNein On Nine? California's tax revolt ebbsHow Anderson Changes The Race A TIME poll shows people want him to run, even if he loses"Money Is So Hard To Get" In a moment of victory, Bush heads for defeatFire And Fury In Miami Strongest of the riot's many causes was a sense of injustice"To See The Stars Again"Exodus Goes On But Carter's curbs take effectLettersMilestonesClutch Compromise In The Ninth A last-minute deal averts a major league player strikeNoisy Windmill Shushing the swish-swishPandaring Aiding natureNuclear Dump In The Heavens Using the space shuttle to "bury" radioactive wastesA Letter From The PublisherSunny Saturday A new owner for the Review"God, I Want To Live!" Mount St. Helens explodes, spreading death and destruction in the CascadesPeopleRumblingsMuslim Ministers Blast The U.S. And softly ask the Soviets to leave AfghanistanArrivederci, RomaA "Lone Ranger" Rides Again Giscard's trip to Warsaw angers Western alliesNew Member An ICBM commands respectRed Herrings And RefusalsDear TheoQuebec Says Non To Separatism A referendum vote approves reform within the systemSeason Of Spleen Outright insurrection raises alarm about an invaluable Pacific allyA Dubious Communist Victory Long after Saigon's "liberation," Hanoi still faces hard timesGuarding The DoorItalo-BoffoPure MagicJest MatchClimbing The Greasy Pole Disraeli, PBS, beginning June 1, 9 p.m. E.D.T.