Table of ContentsPeopleThe Puzzling Paisley Case What happened during the CIA man's last sail?The Brother Billy CaperTheme For 80 Jerry Brown opposes red inkCarter: Looking Becalmed The White House is strangely silent at a time of crisis abroadAn Interview With Brezhnev Worried about Carter, angry about China, but still an optimistHow We Got Here Moments that shaped U.S. and Soviet viewsAmerica And Russia A mix of confrontation and cooperation marks the superpowers' relationsSuper Duel At The Super Bowl Two great quarterbacks battle to cap their careersPostcards From Another World Scientists mull over a colorful scrapbook from MarsPropheteering? More Armstrong troublePotter Power Down with the oldA Letter From The PublisherPolemics With A Satisfying ZapPost Haste A new Graham moves upBeating A Path To Peking Everybody wants a bureau in the Middle KingdomA Wave Of Basque Terror Serving the rightWar Averted By "the Vatican Kissinger"Now It Is Up To The Shah Will his departure alleviate a winter of discontent?One Man's Word Is Law And Khomeini is the archon of the oilfieldsHave The Judges Done Too Much?Hanoi Engulfs Its Neighbor A case of "an abhorrent regime overthrown by an abhorrent aggression"Princely Palaces, Animal Houses Two new series feature a royal wastrel and a campus clownBadges Of HonorAmericanaLandscape On A Tabletop In Washington, D.C., a major retrospective for Ben NicholsonIn Chicago: A Frenzied Bastion Of CapitalismThe Swabian SolipsistTwo Years Among The "Crazies" An anthropologist joins a group of mental outpatientsUpward BoundPasteboard ParableThe Guidelines Pass A Test Settling for less than 7%Trying To Slow Social Security While taxpayers howl and a time bomb ticks, Carter asks for cutsBid And Battle For A Publisher With a hoard of cash, American Express aims at McGraw-HillGlowing Future For Forest Power New England gets fired up over an ancient fuelHardly Any Room At The Inn Space squeeze lifts rates, profits and hoteliers' spiritsBye Bye Bad Buy Inflation kills the $25 bondWorking Less A shorter week in GermanyNew Bridges Between Blacks And BusinessPlaying That Ace In The Hole West Germany uproots thousands to exploit its coal reservesAtomic Victims? Fallout from an old reportIndexLettersPeddling Pays Sidewalk hustlers multiplyFrom Boardroom To Locker Room Corporate fitness programs have employees in a sweatMore Smoke New Surgeon General's reportMilestonesSea Airs And Striking Dreams Folk Singer Gordon Bok fills empty vessels