Table of ContentsThe Waterbury TalesAgnew's Case Goes to the Grand JuryOf Reconciliation and DetachmentAutumn in the Shade of WatergateThe Forgotten CubansThe Tough GuyThe Bloody End of a Marxist DreamPost Hostess with the MostestThe Military and Its MasterThe Coup: The View from the CarreraBitter Round in a Senseless WarAn Israeli Blitz v. Arab SummitrySakharov's DefenseVoting for More or Less MarxismA Chunnel for the "Great Wet Ditch"The Provos' ProblemsA Judge Says NoPompidou in PekingThe Ghost of SharpevilleMadame ProvostThe Student LobbyistsThe Multiple AgentViva Viva?Fact v. OpinionHenry Aaron's Golden AutumnRuth: The Game's Slugging LegendThe Jesus EvolutionMixed MinyanIncurable Addiction?The Unnecessary IllnessBlack FarceAirport for 2001Animal FarmIntrigue at the White HouseSurprise Strike at ChryslerThe New Season: Under ArrestVariations on an EnigmaThe ImmigrantsSummons to the U.N.Help for Broke BrokersThe Cautious TigerThe Benefits Of HurricanesSamplingsSynthetic RebirthCelestial Pit StopStir-CrazyPresidential FollyQuick CutsBest SellersCompromise OfferGold and GritAnnals of the Crime