Table of Contents
Table of ContentsSongs of a Bent-Nosed JoveWashday WonderStrike OneIrving Said NoDiggersGun Thy Neighbor?The Goof ButtonThe Vanishing IndianThe New SeasonUnder NothinTeacup DomeBritish AbstractionsAn Uncommon ImpactPERSONAL FILEJet AlbatrossTurbulence at TWAA Dog's Best FriendMessy MnagesDouble-Do for WCTUThe Moral Re-ArmerRiding on the WindThe RiflewomanMusical MidwifeCancellation at the MetThe Segregated DoctorsClots in the LungsDissent from NationalismNew ProductsVictory in VeniceNew-Town BluesA Rose Is Not a RoseKookie CollegeHomogeneous Homer$35 Million for PrincetonThe Horse TraderRocket RattlingA Matter of TimingTorschlusspanik"I Am Eagle"Gentlemen, the Queen!Easier on SuicidesThe Last HolidayAnything Is PossibleTrial's EndAnother Day, Another $8Plan IIIThe Student PrincePractical AdviceKeeping Them PoorLaunching the AllianceThe New ExodusShe Who Gets SlappedCory's AfricaCINEMAWithin a Tower of JunkSo Far, So GoodIn Search of GrandeurAirlift PlanQuixote from WisconsinMission to AfricaMan with the PurseFlat BrokeThe Skyjack HabitThe General Manager"This Transcends . . ."
Aug. 18, 1961, No. 71961-08-181961-08-18
Page 25
Complete archive still in progress

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