Table of Contents
Table of Contents" Greatest Blessings""Mongokuo"Suburban RevolutionHow Was & How IsMagic BoxesPonzi PublisherWar in Rhode IslandBrutes & ScholarsParadeBrainHappy DaysThe Big DebateEdward's FriendParliament's WeekKnob-HeadNewsiest DictatorRecent BooksPicaroonWestern SandwichSantiago & SequelPensions for RailroadersNewsEverybody's Doing ItEternal VerityUp & OffCaoutchouc CapersPriestley in WonderlandPre-WarFair-haired BoyYalemen ConvictedEccles on InflationGrand NationalThe New PicturesWho WonRebuke and ReorganizationCadaversProfound SulksSynchro-OperaPauly PremiereNavy's ManMourning Becomes Electro,For SafetyIllinois OberammergauNos. 29 & 30Swallows to CapistranoCat Man
March 29, 1937, No. 131937-03-291937-03-29
Page 41
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