Table of Contents
Table of ContentsSex SeerIllusionistHandsomest PharaohFrench JeffersonParrot-DiseaseNewGold RivetFlights & FlyersGeneral Motors & DornierPolitics and SprigsCOMINGConsistoryIn ChicagoOrchestrasPhiladelphia PlentyEaton's GirdlerMetropolitan's 4ythWeber v. RobotsCrowelPs CrowellDeath of a WeeklyCimex LectulariusSt. John's DeanDouble-TitherHard-Hearted PharaohPension ExpertKing GleamletTadjiks PromotedRusty RevolverDeath of HastingsIn Steps Daladier"Armistice"Heir of ItalyPlum the GreatPatent LawyerNational City FoodsBankers v. PanicOrchidsFootballEpstein GiftBulletin 23At MemphisBiggest LoanFirst Felon"Fall Guy"Lake BoatsRhode Island's BridgeTaming TexasBillion-Dollar BeaverGreat Lobby Hunt, Cont.In Steps ScullinRescuer PincusWork for WalesThe New PicturesRevivalsFire!New Plays in ManhattanRate EncountersWet WeekThe Senate WeekHoover's HopeIn the Forest
Nov. 4, 1929, No. 191929-11-041929-11-04
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